
We say they are “Golden” but their value is far beyond gold. We pray that these little “Nuggets” of God’s love that have circulated around VGR will bring you the same joy that they brought us. We love the Word!

"If ye abide in Me and My Word's in you, ask what you will," because you're asking His Word, and His Word is Life. Speak it; if God said it and you're sure He said it, the Holy Ghost bears record that Word's right, then there you are, brother. Speak it. There it is. "Say to this mountain, 'Be moved.' Don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you said's going to come to pass." It's not you that speaketh, but the Father that dwelleth in you, He doeth the talking. It's not you talking to that mountain; it's the Father that's in you speaking to that mountain; it has to move. "All heavens and earth will pass away," He said, "but My Spirit shall not--or My Word shall not pass away." Certainly, It cannot pass away. "Father..."

Now. "The works that I do..." God is in His church to continue His works. That's why He sent the Holy Ghost.

59-1217 What Was The Holy Ghost Given For

Now hold your Token right over that desire. Now let me tell you, by His Word, He--He cannot go contrary to that Word. He has already purchased your desire, if it's according to His will. And His will is to heal. His will is to give you your desire. "He'll withhold no good thing from them that walk upright before Him," presenting that Token.

64-0208 The Token

These last days, true church Bride comes to the Headstone, will be the super church, a super race. As they near the great Headstone they will be much like--so much like Him, even they will be in His very image in the order to be united with Him. They will be One. They will be the very manifestation of the Word of the living God.

62-0318 The Spoken Word Is The Original Seed

Give me a church. Give me ten men who're really jewels of God, the Royal Seed, put them men together and watch what will take place. Give me this little houseful of people like that, and I will show you a light that the world will run to it. That's right. That's what God wants us to be. You're a city setting on a hill; you're Royal Seed of Abraham.

62-0121M And Thy Seed Shall Possess The Gate Of His Enemy

They said, "We can well do it. Sure we can do it." What was it? Those cowardly church members was looking to what they could see with their eyes, but Caleb and Joshua was looking to God's promise. I don't care how much opposition they had; how big the giants looked; how big the fences looked; they were looking to God's promise.

Every man and woman tonight that wants to go on with God, don't pay any attention what the world says, whether we can or whether we can't; God promised it, and that settles it. God said so. I like that. When God says so, that settles it forever.

56-0527 At Kadesh Barnea

And Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

That was our song. Now, that takes all the doubt away from it, doesn't it? "And if it be Thy will?" He said, "All things are possible to him that believeth." Not, "Whether it's Your will or not." It is His will, if you've got faith.

56-0722 All Things Are Possible To Him That Believeth

And we should not be just gadding about from place to place. We should always go and consider the Lord before we go. Do you do that when you leave home? Pray, "Lord, help me to have a safe journey over where I am going and back, ordering my steps today, that I'll not step out of Your blessed path. But if I should make the wrong move, You'll warn me and bring me back into the right way again. If my tongue should start to speak things that was not right, will You just stop my tongue from speaking? Bring me back into the right place again. And if I should start to thinking wrong thoughts, will You just change my way of thinking, let me think the right things."

What you think is usually what you do. You know, if you'll do right, that's your duty to God. If you'll think right, that's your duty to yourself. And you've got to come out right. You can't be going east when you're going west. You can't be going wrong when you're going right, or vice versa. Think right; do right; and you'll be right.

57-0322 Hear Ye Him

It's, you're based on free moral agency, and whatever spirit that you let dominate you will bring forth the fruits, your life will be dominated by the inside.

62-0218 Perseverance

And any man that's serving God will act to please God. He will do what God tells him to do, absolutely.

62-0124 Have Not I Sent Thee

God will not, in no wise, be in debt to any man. God won't be 'debted to any man. If you have did that for God, forsaken all, God will repay you a thousand fold. That's right. God will pay it back. You forsake the things of the world, and the world, and the things of the world and God will repay you so many times.

62-0123 Forsaking All

Hallelujah. There are some who have the Spirit of God, that stands for the Word incarnate. God, increase our ranks. The Word, nothing but the Word, take that Word where Jesus said in there, "All heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not."

61-1217 Christianity Versus Idolatry

Take like the wheat. You say, "How could one grain of wheat?" Here's what happens: One grain falls in; it brings forth a hundred grains. A hundred grains falls in, brings forth a thousand grains; a thousand grains falls in and brings forth a million grains; a million grains falls in and brings forth a--a barge load, and on and on and on till it feeds the whole world. That's what He meant. "If I live My Life alone and die this way, and just live My Life alone, well then, there'll be no fruit after Me. But if I fall into the ground under the will of God... And I'll bring forth a new birth, and in that new birth, it'll bring forth another with new birth and another with new birth, until the whole world will be missionaried and Gospel-preached. 'This Gospel must be preached in all the world for a witness unto Me. These signs shall follow them that believe...'"

61-1224 Sirs We Would See Jesus

That's what we need to do today. Just... The deadest thing in the world is the dead sea, who takes everything in and gives nothing out. Or if we come to a meeting, God fills our soul with glory, we ought to tell fifty people a day, everywhere, every day tell another fifty, another fifty. Give out. That keeps the cistern cleaned out.

52-0810A I Am The Resurrection And The Life