The Friday after Thanksgiving I made a call to VGR to ask for prayer about my car that had just been repossessed out of my driveway. My husband is now working on a new job, and we are trying to recover after our move, him being out of work for a long time.
We had been struggling to stay on top of this car payment. My car was almost paid for, only owing around $2200. I could hardly believe this was happening, after managing to hold onto our car through rough times for five years.
We accepted what they had done even though they said they would work with us, and we proceeded to look for another car with no credit and no money. That seemed to be an impossible task, but we moved forward in faith that God would supply our need.
We looked for a couple days and knew this was probably not going to happen quickly. We then got a call from my husband’s friend, who said he had mentioned our situation to a friend of his and he wanted to help. Someone that we do not even know loaned us the money to redeem our car.
God worked a miracle when we thought a miracle may not happen, and He used a stranger to do it. I told my husband that God granted that man we do not even know Eternal life because of his sacrifice for the Bride of Christ.
His name is Richard.
Thank you for praying; I know He heard your prayer. They can never take my car again! God Bless you,
Sister Debra