Thank you so much for the recent Catch the Vision magazine. It is a real blessing. I really did start to cry after reading Sister Jarvis' testimony. My wife and I now have a burden to pray for our Pygmy brothers and sisters and the missionaries that minister to them by bringing them the Word of Life. Thank you for all the countless hours you put into this magazine. Your prayers that it would be a blessing, I'm sure, are being answered around the world as people read it.
Brother Tim Gary's testimony (The Commission) at the end especially blessed me, and it reminded me of something that happened several years ago. I live in Phoenix and I had some Beyond the Curtain of Time tracts in my pocket. I wanted so bad to be a witness and was really praying about this as I walked toward the local Hispanic grocery store near my home. I noticed some men sitting at a table outside talking to a man, with a Bible laying open on the table they were seated at. It seemed like they were trying to explain something to him and he seemed genuinely interested in what they were saying. The Holy Spirit in my heart whispered to me: "Leave a tract at their table." I thought, "I can't do this! Here they are trying to witness to this man, and I'm going to walk by and put a tract in front of him and ruin what they are trying to do." I felt over and over to do this, so finally I walked by and put a tract on the table right in front of the men. I expected them to be annoyed and upset at me for disrupting their efforts to convert this man to their church or creed. Instead, one of the men talking said, "Hey, I know this man!" pointing at the picture of Brother Branham on the tract. I found out he attended a nearby bilingual (Spanish and English speaking) Message church and had just ran out of tracts that morning. Here he was witnessing to someone without having a tract to give him, and God had placed it on my heart to put one right on the table in front of him. It sure pays to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit!
I trust this little testimony will bless whoever reads it and encourage them to obey that still, small Voice in their heart when trying to witness. God bless you.