In A Moment

We received this testimony from an Italian brother who, by the hand of God, narrowly escaped death during a tractor accident. The brother's family immediately sent a prayer request here to VGR and to his friends and loved ones. The Lord stepped on the scene and spared our brother's life and then continued the work towards his complete healing. This is the first part of Brother Allessandro's testimony.

And I was amazed just as I come in. A brother walked up and said, "I don't want to be like the unworthy leper that was healed." It's Brother Wright. I prayed for him, and the Lord has healed him completely. And he come up weeping to shake my hand and say that—that he would—wanted to thank the Lord for—for being healed. He wanted to return and give thanks. It's all gone. He—he's perfectly well now. We are grateful for those testimonies.

That Day On Calvary – 60-0925

Dear Brethren,

I'm a brother from South of Italy (Bari) and I'm writing to give the testimony of my healing and of how God's hand worked on me with power. It happened because of some events, I found myself in economic problems. A brother from the North of Italy (Verona) helped me, offering me to work for him in his farm. So, at the beginning of summer, I was so happy to settle in Verona and have the opportunity to attend their weekly services. On August 1st, we listened the tape: "The Marriage Of The Lamb" and, at the end of sermon, Brother Branham asked to people to walk up to altar and I went too.

I appreciate all these standing around the altar. My prayer for you, that God will give you the desire of your heart tonight and make you real sainted people. Some of these young folks... Here's Indians, Spanish, Mexican, all standing around, people who's claimed to be Christians maybe for years, but see there they was wrong. They want to be right. "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they shall be filled." Condemned, ready to make it right with God through the fiery altars of the judgment of God. Got to meet it somewhere, friends. You've got to meet it somewhere, so meet it here. Don't wait till in the morning. You may be killed tonight in an accident going home.

The Marriage Of The Lamb – 62-0121E

It was a great blessing! After a few days, I was driving a tractor and, in doing that, I fell in a scarp and I was run over by the tractor. In a moment, I found myself at the end of my road. Stretched out on the ground, with my thorax crushed, I asked to God to receive my soul if that was my final time, or else to help me and have mercy on me. God had already started working: my son was seated on the back of tractor and, as soon as he had perceived that the tractor was overturning, he had jumped down saved himself, and ran asking for help. After about half hour a helicopter arrived, giving me first aid and then it transporting me to the hospital.

The doctors there said that my condition was serious, in danger of death and it was a miracle that I was still alive. The diagnosis was: "serious respiratory deficit because of the compression of lungs; sharp pains because of the broken ribs; operation because of the broken clavicle; plaster cast and corset because of the shoulder blade; bed immobilization; long stay in hospital; long motor rehabilitation.

The same day, Brother Joseph Branham and many other brethren were informed about my accident and they started praying God to spare my life. I spent a terrible time in intensive care. I was always conscious. I could feel everything. My heart was always at Jesus Christ's feet and in the worse moments, I felt me transported to a place where I could feel the wind through the trees and His Presence.

At the same time, I could feel the strong love of the Bride all over the world who kept praying for me. It was so touching. Our Heavenly Father heard Her prayers!

The medical staff was amazed of my patience in facing my sufferings. It was only by His Divine Gift. Contrary to all expectations of the medical staff, I had a rapid and manifest recovery. After just a week I was out of danger and transferred from intensive care to thoracic surgery ward.

Soon I was out of hospital, on my feet, and with only a brace for my clavicle and a support for my shoulder blade. The doctor who discharged me from the hospital said: "There'll be no trace left of this incident as if you have never had it."

Praise to the Lord that had a different diagnosis achieved to Calvary: "…and with his stripes we are healed", "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever." I thank my Jesus Christ for all His help and may He bless all brethren who had my situation at heart and have been praying for me.

While our brother's spirits were high, he still had a long way to go with rehabilitation. We will post the remainder of his testimony, of his remarkable recovery and the astonishment of the doctors, in the days to come.