In A Moment Part 2

Once out of the hospital, Brother Allesandro continued to heal quickly. Months and probably years of rehabilitation were ahead of him. We recently received this email from his wife about his recovery.

I want to share this short testimony with you. I'm sure you'll rejoice about it.

As you know, my husband had a serious accident with a tractor last summer (he sent you his testimony). He got out alive, thanks to the miraculous power of our Lord Jesus. He had a wonderful and rapid recovery too. After a few months, he only felt a little stuck in his body's movements. So, it was advised to go to an osteopath.

A few days ago, during the second treatment, the osteopath told to my husband: "You are an interesting and unique case. I'd like to study you because your body responds perfectly well to the treatment. It seems like there's something, a presence, in your body that lets everything go to its place. I can't explain it." Glory to God! That "something" is the Presence of the Lord that keeps doing His work in his body! It's wonderful how science could feel His Presence!

Sister Margherita