
Believers all over the United States are using the new witnessing CDs to make a difference. They are giving them to their neighbors, store clerks, the person pumping gas next to them, everywhere the Lord leads! The following testimony was sent to us from a believer in Tennessee who put her CDs to good use.

I hope that this testimony might encourage someone.

I was coming out of a local grocery store and there were two men taking up money for the homeless. I had no cash on me as I went in (I had given to them in the past), and being in a hurry, as I walked out instead of saying that I had already donated, I said I had no cash on me, forgetting I had just gotten cash back at the register. As soon as I said this, I realized I had to go back to correct that. So as I unloaded my groceries I remembered that I had the witnessing CDs with me and I prayed, "Lord, don't let them leave if it'd be Thy will." They walked right in front of my car. I gave them the message, "Be Certain of God." They seemed thrilled to get it and said they would listen on the way home. They said "God bless you," and I left.

The next day, I saw the same group, but different men at another store. This time I told them that I had donated yesterday. My daughter was with me, and I told her coming out that we would give a different CD to the men on the other side since I had given the first gentleman one yesterday, and not knowing if he had shared it with the others. As we drove up to them, I asked my daughter, Grace who is 11 years old, if she would like to give it to them. She said yes she would.

There were two men, and as Grace handed them the CD, the one in the back looked at me and said, "Hey, you're the lady that gave my pastor one of these yesterday and we listened to it on the way home." He seemed to be overjoyed. They did listen, and by the excitement in this man's voice, I believe they enjoyed it. Grace and I just smiled at each other.

As we drove away, Grace said to me, "Mother, did you see the sparkle in that man's eye?" The gentleman that she witnessed to with this CD left a great impression on her, and I know that this was a growing experience and a blessing to Grace as much as it was to the strangers that she witnessed to. You're never too young to witness for the Lord!

God Bless You Richly,

Your Sister in Christ