Do You Fear Cancer?

We received this testimony from a sister who stayed steady, no matter what the doctors told her.

For a Christian, it is one of life's greatest joys to look back down life's road and see that, even during the fiery trials, Jesus has been walking beside us all along the way.

The doctor called me January 3rd and said, "You have Grade 2 endometrial cancer." The news was unexpected, but didn't cause me alarm. Don't you see…the Lord knew what I had need of even before I did! For months – even years – He had been preparing me for the battle I was about to face with the weekly Messages we heard at church and the Sunday school lessons that were taught.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.
II Timothy 1:7

January 23rd, I publicly made my stand before the Church and here is what Brother Branham said about that in "Victory Day" –

What a courage that ought to be for the sick person! What a courage that ought to be for the backslider! Turn yourself around, and start back. Stay in the line of duty. It's God's business to open up Red Seas. It's God's business. You just speak and move forward. That's all you have to do.

February 15th I had surgery to remove the cancer. Three days later the doctor came in with the pathology report. The endometrial cancer was completely contained, and much to their surprise, had been downgraded to Stage 1A! We serve a true and living God!

But Satan is relentless. He immediately went on the attack again. In the very same pathology report it was discovered that I had a second primary cancer. This news was completely unexpected. Although removed during the surgery, the cervical cancer might require further treatment. The doctors weren't even sure if I would be a good candidate for the radiation therapy due to another complicating health issue, so they advised me to seek a second opinion.

This past week I traveled to the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio to consult with doctors who are experts in their fields. I went with an open mind willing to hear what they suggested, but had no preconceived ideas about what lay ahead – only that I knew Who held my future!

The first doctor could only give me statistics about cancer recurrence and the latest technology in radiation treatments. However, his parting words were: "This is not an emergency. Take your time to make the best decision."

At my next appointment that day, the second doctor came into the examining room quite alarmed. "I must call and find out why this patient has already been scheduled for radiation treatments!" Once we assured him that my visit to the radiation oncologist was strictly a consultation, he relaxed. And then he said the words that confirmed the promise I had been holding in my heart: "Outside of not having cancer at all, based on the findings in your pathology report, I don't think you need any chemotherapy or radiation!"

It was a finished work "That Day on Calvary." Praise His Holy Name!

"Just don't ask any questions. It's already over, just keep going. See? It masters all circumstances."

"Faith believes that God will work it out."

Perfect Faith

Sister Michelle