The Great Physician

We received this testimony from a brother in England in response to an article posted on December 29, 2010.

I was highly touched by reading Sis. Maria P's testimony of healing titled - The Great Physician - because it is similar to my experience and more importantly because it testifies further of the ever living love, presence and power of our dear Lord Jesus Christ, our precious Great Physician. I am thus prompted to share my experiences of our Lord's healing power, which I have always shared to brothers and sisters individually but now to the reach of all believers via VOGR website.

One January morning in 2004 a few months after I got married, I woke up to a shocking pain on my right knee. Since I went to bed the previous night hale and hearty and I could not explain what must have caused such a pain after a good night rest, I took it lightly as something that would go naturally. But before noon, the pain had not only increased terribly, but my right knee began to swell. Only then I began to ponder and wonder what has happened to me and where will it lead to?

Quickly I recalled that a university mate of mine had had a similar experience some years ago and eventually died. His experience, like mine, began when what started as a sudden unexplainable pain on the right knee one morning, rapidly developed into cancer that had his right knee amputated. Subsequent spread of the cancer demon to the stump led to further amputation before his eventual death around 1995.

As soon as the sad experience of a former schoolmate flashed on my mind, I got desperate while the pain grew worse each moment of the day. It was at a time when we were having a three-day fasting in our local assembly, then in Makurdi Nigeria, and I went to church that evening hopping and limping regardless of the excruciating pains.

Although it was a wonderful service that evening, the pain grew worse, but I trusted the Lord for His sure mercies and healing power. By the time I got home that night, I could only hop on my left leg in order to lessen the pain on my right leg as I managed to bed after praying with my dear wife. She was so worried and suggested we go to the hospital that night, but I insisted against it, assuring her that our Lord is able to heal me of this attack.

Hours into the night, I would say between 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning, I became conscious of a movement in the room. I could not lift myself from the bed nor open my eyes, but I was conscious of this movement of a fast moving stream or whirlpool of air, which came and settled on my right knee. It began a high speed circular and filtering motion round and through my right knee, which produced a wonderfully warm sweet sensation that can best be felt than described. The feeling held me spell bound on the bed as I enjoyed His divine presence while the operation continued for about 10 to 15 minutes.

I could feel the fast moving whirlpool as it filtered around and through my knee bones, cleansing me of every trace of the demons which had attacked my right leg. When the Spirit of the Lord had finished cleansing my right knee where the attack started, it went to my left knee, which to me had no problems and performed the same filtering and cleansing operation. Oh, it was a wonderful experience as I was conscious throughout the entire operation from start to finish, yet spellbound on my bed so I would not disrupt the divine healing operation.

When the good Lord had finished the operation, the Spirit relieved me to get up instantly from my bed. As I jumped up straightaway to test my right knee, I could not feel any trace of pain, not even the faintest of ache or pain! All praise, glory, honor, adoration and power belongs to our God, as I jogged and danced around the room in celebration of my healing.

I was so overwhelmed with joy that I screamed and glorified His Holy Name until my wife woke up. On recounting my experience to her, she was so surprised that she started testing my knees again by asking me to jump and to run so she could see. And so I was completely delivered of that attack that night by the special healing grace of our Loving Lord Jesus Christ.

Oh Dear saints of the living God, I cannot help quoting our dear precious Brother Branham here to our collective encouragement that: "Our religion is not in vain, It's absolutely the resurrected Jesus Christ, same thing" (Hebrews Chapter 3). We must therefore not neglect this Glorious Faith that has been granted to us in this age by the Special Grace of God, which is exactly the same thing that was once delivered unto the saints of God about 2000 years ago.

Brother Peter