
The testimonies of the witnessing CDs continue to pour in. Here is another testimony from right here in Jeffersonville of how this family takes witnessing seriously.

Since becoming a Christian, we have had a desire to witness this Message, but had waited for someone to ask where we went to church or what we believed.

When we read the first article on branham.org where it said, "now the work is up to you," that changed our strategy. I soon remembered where Brother Branham explained what casting your pearls before swine meant and what he said about Rahab getting out and hunting that predestinated seed.

Daily we ask the Lord Jesus to direct us who to give a Message CD to, what Message to give them, and what to tell them.

The first CD we handed out was as a family to one of our neighbors, Mrs. Frye. One of our children excitedly carried the CD in their missionary backpack from Easter 2009. This neighbor is an elderly widow, still grieving at the death of her husband (a WWII veteran). Our children sang some of her favorite songs. My wife mentioned Brother Roberson (a WWII veteran) being laid out to die when a chaplain came to pray for him. It opened the door to talk about Brother Branham.

I mentioned how Brother Branham was spoken of in Mal. 4:5, a couple other Scriptures, and offered a CD to them. The lady accepted and her daughter thought this would be great for her mom since she is confined to her home, not able to go to church, and would give her comfort. Mrs. Frye said she appreciated us coming to see her.

I gave a CD to a janitor at work who I had become friends with. I told him Brother Branham was a prophet that fulfilled Malachi 4:5 and quoted the Scripture to him. A week later, he told me he really enjoyed it (Life Story). He said him and his wife fought with getting their CD player to work, but once they did, they sat for two hours and heard the whole CD. I asked him if he would like another one. He said he wanted to listen to this one again.

I went to the grocery one Saturday morning to get something and took two CDs, hoping to find someone to give them to. After getting my merchandise, I thought, "Lord is there someone here you want me to give a Message CD to." I then saw a man who I had noticed in the parking lot. I thought, "Lord is he the one?" I waited in the flower section, milling around waiting for the Lord to help me. I saw the man had come closer to me. He then came by me. I stopped him, told him the Holy Spirit had led me to him. I told him I had a sermon of God's prophet Brother William Marrion Branham spoken of in Malachi 4:5. I would like to give it to him if he was interested. He said "sure" with a sense of delight/relief. I let him choose which sermon he would like. He said, "I need this one" (I Stand at the Door and Knock). I just felt the presence of the Holy Spirit come as I was talking to him.

My daughter got sick and my wife woke me up to tell me. I told her I would go get some medicine. I was tired, but thought of the Quote of the Day (2/19/11) about God's servants going as He leads when they are tired, etc. I took a CD, hoping to give one out. The first Walgreen's didn't have the medicine and I didn't feel to give the CD to anyone there. I went to another Walgreen's, got the medicine, and was looking/praying more diligently for someone to give the CD to. As I went to the check-out, the cashier looked and seemed a little rough. As he handed me my merchandise, I felt that tug that he was the one. It felt like I paused for 5 minutes. I thought, "Lord you mean this rough guy?" After getting past the fear, I proceeded to ask him if he would be interested in a sermon CD of God's prophet, Rev. William Marrion Branham spoken of in Malachi 4:5. To my amazement, his countenance immediately softened and he answered yes with a smile.

My wife was going into a store and a lady offered her a free newspaper. She said "No, thank you," but the lady asked again saying it's free. My wife told her she did not have time to read it. She felt to offer a free Message CD to the lady. She told her it was a sermon of a prophetic ministry in our day. The lady looked somewhat surprised, looked at the CD and said, "Well thank you...thank you!" She asked the lady to pass it on to someone else if she didn't want it. As my wife walked away, the Lord put on her heart, She offered you the bad news, and you gave her the Good News."

We have offered CDs to other neighbors, a waitress, and a Pentecostal lady at the grocery. They didn't want it. Most of these that turned the CD down stated that they belonged to a church.

Giving out these missionary CD's has helped us tremendously in growing in the Lord. It's been a great blessing to us.

Brother Stephen
Jeffersonville, IN