Tread On Serpents

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

LUKE 10:19

It may be when we least expect it, but the Lord Jesus is always there and He often brings His Word to our remembrance. We received this testimony from a brother in Arkansas.

I was raised in the Message by my wonderful parents. My mom played the organ and my dad built the pulpit for the meetings when Brother Branham came to our town, Hot Springs, Arkansas. My mom recently went to be with the Lord in her sleep at 77 years and 7 months of age. We were close and always saw everything eye to eye. In fact, we never had one argument our whole lives. I have been missing her tremendously and have been as low as I have ever been in my life.

The week before last, I had a vacation from work. I love to fish, so I packed my barge and went to stay on Lake Ouachita. As I was packing, I was feeling sentimental about my son not being able to go fishing with me this time, as he will soon be going to college. On the lake, I tied off at the bank and walked to fish a cove. I walked back to the boat and felt something painful on my ankle. I jerked my foot and looked down to see what looked like a copperhead take off. I looked at my ankle and blood was trickling out of two little holes. I was shocked but not scared. I immediately went to sit on a rock and pray. Then I got in the boat and started to drive off to come home. I then thought, "Well, I've already prayed. I hate to cut short a good fishing trip."

I went back into the cove and tied off again. I started walking the bank, praying and thinking on the Word. I thought about Paul and then I thought about Brother Branham fishing in Florida when Brother Evans got bit by the rattler, and they didn't think they could carry him out. He prayed and Brother Evans was fine. As I was saying this out loud, I felt a strong Presence of the Lord. My whole body tingled. I then knew everything was fine.

I was way off on the other side of the lake by myself with no cell phone. Then in my time of need, I found out I wasn't alone. I ended up catching 40 black bass with a couple in the 6-pound range; the best fishing trip of my life. The Lord saw my heart was heavy and gave me something special. What an awesome God we serve. He truly is Hebrews 13:8.

God bless you,

Brother Lark