Prayer Cloth

We received this testimony from a sister in Trinidad.

Greetings in the merciful name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! I just love when I read the Daily Bread and Quote of the Day and they are applicable to my life. Most times, they reflect my very thoughts and experiences and this testimony is based on that.

My sister gave me a prayer cloth from the VGR a few months ago, and I gave it away to someone who I felt needed it more than I do. My husband was a bit angry because I'm always giving my things away. She kindly gave me another one, and since I had a blood issue for over twenty years, he (my husband, even though he's not yet a Christian) kept telling me to place it on my belly and ask the Lord for healing. Somehow, I always felt that there was someone who needs this prayer cloth more than I do. Just a silly notion, perhaps. So, I never listened to my husband's advice and simply prayed without it and the Lord did, thankfully, grant me the gift of healing all the same.

On the night of February 14th, my husband woke up just after 10, with an excruciating back pain that wouldn't subside. He rolled and groaned on the bed and it was one of the most pitiful sights I had ever seen. I tried my best to make him as comfortable as I could and he refused to go to the hospital, I suppose because he knew that I hadn't slept at all the night before and didn't want to bother me with that late night drive. Still, he got no relief at all.

I was praying constantly for him, but then decided to ask him if he wanted me to use the prayer cloth and place it on his back. He consented and I was able to unite with him in prayer, reassuring him that the Lord would heal him and make him completely whole. I just implored him to believe with all his heart. The pain just worsened. But, I know what Brother Branham always says - that it gets worse before it gets better. I just encouraged him to have faith and never doubt in his healing, despite any symptoms that might have persisted.

The next morning, the pain was magnified even further and he couldn't function at all. With no sleep, I drove him to the hospital and the emergency department was overflowing with patients. Noticing his obvious inability to even sit down, the attending nurse immediately rushed his file into the doctor's office. The doctor's diagnosis was kidney stones. He gave him a painkiller injection and some antibiotics in case there was any infection that had resulted. Then he was sent for some tests. The x-ray showed no stones. The doctor then sent him for a more sensitive ultrasound. The result: still no stones.

After just a half hour, he was completely fine. He could relax and sit with virtually no pain. The doctor's prognosis was that he had already passed the stones out. But, we knew that the Lord Jesus had done as we asked. It's been a few weeks since then and he hasn't had any more pains. We are truly grateful to God for his healing and complete recovery from that terrible ordeal.

It reminds me of when our prophet speaks of the old artesian well he loved to drink out of, that kept happily bubbling away. No matter how many people drank out of it, it just poured out more fresh water. Today, in my soul, I know that's what our God is like and I'm going to chuck my silly idea of not using my prayer cloth because someone else needs it more than I do, and I'm going to use it all the time. I am positive that each time I use it, a testimony of the Power of God will be the result.

May our Lord Jesus Christ richly bless each and every one of you in a truly special way, is my prayer. I love you all dearly.

Your sister in Christ,
