The Flu

Not only can our Lord Jesus heal us when we are sick, but He can stop the sickness from getting a hold. We received this testimony from a brother in Holland who felt a case of the flu coming on, and then claimed his healing when he heard Brother Branham expose the sickness.

Wednesday morning I woke up with a very bad throat. I thought that it was because of the weather or maybe an upcoming flu. That same morning I went shopping with my two sisters that were visiting me in Holland, while on vacationing from Suriname.

On our way home, I felt like clearing my throat. When I did that, it hurt very much and nothing came up. That same night before going to church, again I felt to clear my throat, this time again with the same results. I decided to look in the mirror if I could see what was wrong with my throat. To my amazement, I saw that the little flap in the back at the throat was greatly swollen and inflamed. I went to church, knowing that God would heal me, just not knowing how.

We listened to the message, "The Super Sign" and at the end, Brother Branham was praying for the sick. I think it was the second or third person he spoke to in the audience when he said, "there is a little woman that can't swallow, hardly. There is something wrong with her--with her--her swallow. She can't hardly swallow. But she believes." At that time, I knew that God was speaking directly to me and, although I am a brother, I believed God's Word and I raised my hand and claimed my healing. By the end of service, I felt the pain decreasing as God was manifesting His Super Sign to me.

The next morning I was completely healed everything was back in order. Satan was again defeated.

God Bless you,

Brother Marcel, Holland