Claim It!

We received this testimony from a sister who received her healing, and then the enemy tried to explain it away. Amidst the confusion, she heard a Voice that confirmed that she had, in fact, received her healing.

I claimed my healing for my eyes almost six years ago. After having much trouble with glasses and contacts for many years I asked the saints in our church to pray for me. I told them I was going down to the Motor Vehicle Department to retake the eye test. I listened to the tape, "The God Who Is Rich In Mercy" (65-0119), as I listened, I felt certain there would be something on it just for me. Sure enough, the first person in the prayer line was a sister with eye trouble and Brother Branham told her that her eyes were going to improve. I just held onto that, and my husband took me to the MVD where I passed the eye test without even squinting! I have since testified of my healing many times in church, to family, to the eye doctor, even to anyone who was willing to listen.

Well, you know how the adversary likes to try to take our victories. A thought started coming to me over and over, "You're eyes are no better. You are not healed; you could have passed that test without your glasses when you first got your license."

I start thinking, "Yeah, maybe I could have." That thought kept coming, "You're making a fool of yourself claiming that you're healed." I knew I was healed and I really wanted to have faith; I just kept testifying and pressing on even though those thoughts kept coming.

Then one day, while hearing the message, "All Things Are Possible To Him That Believeth" (56-0722), Brother Branham made this statement:

"Oh, brother. How quick unbelief goes to work right there. 'Oh, I could see a little bit--I've been blind. I could see a little bit, but maybe if I'd tried hard enough I could've done it before hand.' Oh, you poor--I don't know what to call ya. You're excused as a Christian."

I thought, "Hallelujah! That's what I've been waiting for!" Praise God! He always raises up a standard against the tactics of the enemy. I'm so thankful to know that He cares even for me and prepared an Atonement before the foundation of the world and a quote in 1965, to help me win this battle in 2011. I thank Him continually for the precious Message that has the answer to every one of our troubles.

Sister Heather