Letters From Prisoners

The prison mailbag is full again, and this time we have included a few letters from our friends in South Africa. We hope you enjoy these excerpts of letters from prisoners.

Dear Brother Branham

I have been reading your book about the Seven Church Ages. I have learned so much and it has moved me in such a way that I never thought possible. I am forever in you dept and so thankful for your words, It is a great privilege to have a teacher like you that cares enough to help us learn of the true Lord and the true vine. Your teachings are so amazing that, to be honest, I thought it was all made up. However the Lord Jesus Christ has favor with me and opened my eyes so I could see. I must get this Message to my family immediately.


Me and my buddy did a deed, and they have him in another facility. Since we are co-defendants, we can communicate. Well, all he's been talking about is these books, these books. They done changed his life, about how sorry he is for doing wrong, and he's repented and knows the Lord. I don't know, I think he's gone loony or something. I ain't never heard the likes, just books, books. I know he's not the same person he was, and he give me your address. But I'm kind of scared also. So if I could get what he's got, I might read them also. So could you send me them?


Thank all of you for the messages. The books are building my life, and so I thank you and God bless you and all of your families and friends. God will bless you all the time because you help many people: those that want to get a good life and good things from our Lord Jesus Christ, our power for everything.

South Africa

Greetings to you all, enclosed are my stamps for the month (prisoners often pay tithes with postage stamps). I am excited to tell you about something strange going on. I set in with the Messianic Jews in this prison and to my surprise they preached on serpent seed. It was like just out of the book. I asked then where did that come from; they said it came from their Rabbi. I told them that the origination of serpent seed came from the Lord through His seventh angel messenger Brother Branham, to be revealed in this age. They wanted to know what else this messenger said. I believe we are going to need a lot more books here soon.


I thank Thee for this wonderful opportunity to write this letter. May Thy mercy reign upon us, and many blessings for those who send the Spoken Word. I ask all in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

South Africa

This is my second letter in such a very short time, but I had to say I am thanking God daily for people like you. I never thought I would be so touched by the Word of God. I am amazed by Brother Branham, the way he says things just strike the right cord with me. The truths are so astounding but yet, it's like you always knew them but just couldn't get it right. Brother Branham makes it all right. I was raised Catholic and always heard from others how bad it was, but no one could say why, just stories. However, Brother Branham had Scripture and dates and names, wow, it's as plain as day. I've been in and out of prison so often and I want to do right. I wanted some kind of direction, something to believe, and then a book was given to me one day from a person I never met. It's a new world for me. Please pray for me that I can be worthy to be called, "believer."


My dear brothers, our group here has been praying for our precious Brother Richard. Then the news came that he had gone Home. What a blessing for our brother. How we all long to join him over on the other side and I pray that we soon do. For now, we here are praying for the family that our Lord Jesus Christ will bless them and give them His Peace.


It was 18 years ago that I asked Jesus into my heart. I'm just sorry that it had to be in prison. I had received books from you before, then for some reason I stopped. Well a fellow gave me a book and I started reading again. The other night I was sitting here looking back to where I stopped reading. From that point, until I started reading again, it was rough. You know just the stuff, push and shove, that goes on here when there is no guidance. Well now I hurry back to my room so I can continue reading and learning. You know, life is just so much easier when you are in His Word. So please send me the books and pray that I will never drift away again.