The Great Physician

About two weeks ago, I sent in a prayer request for my six-year-old son Noah. I brought him to a clinic because the day before he had a very itchy rash (after having Strep Throat the week before). His feet were also swollen and sore in spots.

The doctor there took one look and very quickly said it was Strep related arthritis, (even though most of the rash was gone). She prescribed an antibiotic and told me the pain would get a lot worse and spread to other joints.

Because I had never heard of this Strep Arthritis before, and the doctor gave me very little information about it, I decided to do some research on the internet. After doing this I became very worried of what would happen, so I clicked over to the Voice of God website and put in a prayer request for him.

Noah wrote his first check that night before going to bed and placed it in his Bible. The next day I brought him to his regular doctor's office (they told me at the clinic he should be seen within two days to monitor his condition). Noah was in no pain and acting completely normal. The doctor checked him over, looked at his feet and said, "This is not typical for Strep Arthritis, there is no reason to continue his medication."

We went home praising and thanking the Lord Jesus Christ for His Mercy.

Sister Heather