A Very Present Help

We received this testimony as feedback from the Lost Key article posted on June 6.

I love this testimony because it reminds me of a same incident that happen five years ago and that our Lord Jesus is not a respecter of persons. I was on my way to church on a Wednesday night to hear our prophet Brother Branham preach. When I arrived, I notice a brother and a sister standing around the sister's car.

When I got out of my van to ask what happen, the sister replied that she had locked her keys in her car and that her spare key was almost two hours away at home. The brother said he had already tried his keys and they did not work, and maybe she needed to call a locksmith.

Then she replied that she really did not have the money to call a locksmith. I ask the both of them, "Do you remember when Brother Branham said if he really needed his pocket knife that he left on his dresser at home, and if he really needed it, that he could have enough faith to stick his hand in his pocket that it would be there?" And then I took them to the Word that our Lord said, that He is a very present help in the time of trouble.

Then I looked at them both and said we should pray and take this situation to our Lord Jesus. After we prayed and said "Amen," I took my van keys out of my pocket stuck the key in the passenger door and I tried to open it, and the door lock did not come open. So I went around to the driver's door with the same key, stuck it in believing the Lord would answer our prayer, and the door lock come open. Everyone shouted and gave all the glory to our Lord Jesus. AMEN.

Brother Marshall