
Witnessing about the Lord and His Word is always exciting because you never know what the reaction will be. If you set all fears aside and are willing to tell someone about the Gospel that is so close to your heart, then you might get a reaction that you did not expect. This sister from Washington was pleasantly surprised when she proudly told a stranger about listening to Brother Branham's tapes.

I had Monday off because of the Memorial Day holiday, and I went to a Memorial Day service at our cemetery. Afterwards, I went to Walmart as I hadn't been there for a while and I thought that Monday would be a good day to do the shopping. While I was there, a younger Hispanic man saw me and asked what church I go to.

My heart started racing, wondering if the Lord wanted me to share a witness CD with him. I told him I listened to Message tapes of Brother William Branham. He looked at me, and he said, "you're kidding," and I said "No," and asked him if he knew Brother Branham. He said he did, and that they had been going to a Message church in Georgia! While we were talking, his wife phoned him, and he shared with her how he met a sister.

I asked if I could talk with her too, so we talked a little on the phone before we got together after shopping. He mentioned that they had been in Wenatchee for a couple of weeks, looking for work. He mentioned that he had seen some other women in dresses, but he had never asked them what church they went to until he saw me. Out of our whole valley of about 50,000 people, I'm the only Message believer that I am aware of, and our precious Lord timed it perfectly for our paths to cross and for him to ask me that question.

I had a lovely time of fellowship with his family, and I trust we will have more. He, his wife, their two young children, and his wife's sister are all traveling together. Would you please remember them in prayer for all they have need of, and if it's the Lord's perfect will for them to settle here, that God may provide the brother with a job? Thank you so much for your prayers, for it truly means so very much!

With love and prayer and gratitude,

Sister Dawn, Wenatchee, WA