
The Lord knows how to encourage us. Sometimes it's not the healing of our bodies or a revelation from His Word, but it is just that little something that puts a smile on our faces. We hope these testimonies brighten your day and give you that smile that the enemy so often steals away.

Big Toe

A little over a week ago, and late in the evening just before my wife and I were headed to our bedroom for devotions, she was standing at the bathroom sink brushing her teeth. I came up with a great plan to reach into the bathroom and tickle her before making my escape down the hall! Everything went well until the "escape" part. I failed to see our ironing board standing upright in the hallway. I launched the ironing board down the hall, all with my big left toe. I immediately knew from the intense pain that it was probably broken. I'd broken my big right toe just one and a half years earlier, and this felt the exact same. I was thinking the worst: hospital visit, crutches, medical boot, and time off from work.

I couldn't bend it at all, and to barely touch it caused me a lot of pain. Well, my loving and forgiving wife (smiling), had instantly become my caregiver, loading me up with Advil to ease the pain. Thanks to the Advil, if I didn't move or bump my toe, the throbbing would subside.

Just before going to sleep, my wife opened up our Brother Branham 100th Anniversary Bible to Acts 19 and pulled out our Prayer Cloth that Brother Joseph had prayed over. I told her to just pin it to my pillowcase and that would be fine. She wasn't having any part of that and pinned it right to my clothes.

I had to sleep with my foot completely uncovered because even a light bed sheet caused me pain. I woke up all night long with the pain in my toe. The last time I woke up was at 4:22am, and at that time, I had bumped my toe into my other foot and the pain was intense.

Finally, I woke up for work at 6:30am and put my feet over the side of the bed. I was absolutely amazed as I planted my left foot on the floor...no pain! I bent my toe front and back...no pain! I took a few steps into the bathroom...no pain, no swelling, and completely healed! Between 4:22am and 6:30am, the Great Physician had stopped by!


Cell Phone

My cellphone and I have been through a lot together: dropped in the dishwater, bathtub, puddles, slush and snow... Soaked, smashed and crashed, but almost miraculously it STILL WORKS! Then just the other night it cracked into three pieces, though I didn't drop it or anything.

So this morning I was trying to superglue it back together, and my son, who is 10, said to me, "Mom, that cellphone is just like you." I said, "Huh? Why?" He continued "You've dropped it like 100 times, and every time you pick it back up, it keeps on working. And no matter how many times you fall, God always picks you back up, and you keep right on going!"

Oh Lord, thank you for my son with a heart as deep as that.

Sister Kim, USA

Washing Machine

The washing machine story blessed me. I also put the prayer cloth on our washing machine when it quit emptying the water. I attempted every day to restart the load and expected it to complete the cycle. For some reason my faith was being put to the test. After ten days and almost all of our clothes being dirty, I asked my sister-in-law if I could wash some laundry at her house. My brother-in-law came home and saw I was doing laundry and asked what was wrong. He had just taken care of the same problem on their machine. He came over and sure enough ours was the same sort of problem: a baby washcloth stuck in the pump. He took it out and put the machine back together, and it worked just fine. My prayer was answered, but not instantly like I wanted. I'm glad, we didn't have any money for a repair man.

Sister Anna, USA


I enjoyed your Smiles article. I want to share a testimony as well. I discovered I had lost my special birthday ring my mom had gave me last year. I looked everywhere for it. Getting depressed, I decided to commit it to God. I prayed for Him to return my ring but that He could take His time. I then forgot about it, but every once in a while, it would come to my memory and I would look for it again. The devil tried telling me I would never find it as it could have been lost anywhere, at the store, or church, or anywhere. I just told the devil that I would find it anyhow, no matter how long it took. About three months later, without even thinking of the missing ring, I went into my jewelry box, which I had dumped and searched several times. I opened the drawer and there it laid! I was so happy that I ran around the house thanking God.

An 11-year-old sister, USA


I was playing hockey, and with my nose broken two times, I've had a hard time breathing air with it for years. As I was siting on the bench before jumping on the ice for the pre-game warming, I prayed and said to the Lord that I believe with all my heart that He can fix my nose so I can breathe normally. Without doubting , I jumped on the ice and start skating for warm up. I made some round turns on the right and on the left. Before I could think about this again I made a strong face to face hit with the brother that brought me to the Message. We both fell on the ice very hard. We were both stunned and in pain from the hit. But right then, I felt the fresh and cold air of the ice through my nostril, and my nose was perfectly in place without any need of operation. I was smiling and blessing God on the ice, all happy. He knows how to do things. I wonder if a face to face with an unbeliever would have done the job?

Brother Sylvain, Canada