Decision Time
Every time the Holy Spirit comes, It brings a division amongst the people. It brings a time that men must stand and make a decision. It's come to you; it's come to me. We've got to make our decision. It come in the days of Noah. It also come in the time of Moses, when God anointed His servant with the Holy Spirit, sent him down into Egypt. Some said, "Who is this superman? Who is this guy that would make himself a ruler over us?" Moses didn't desire to be a ruler; he was bringing the people the truth. "What does He do? Break up our religions."...

…When the Holy Ghost come today, It brings the same decisions. Each one of us are responsible for our decision. We must make it.

59-1004M Who Is This

That decision time comes for all of us. The following is a testimony from a sister in Africa, who rose above the thoughts of the enemy and made the right decision.

I give thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ who gave me the grace to believe the Message.

When I read my first books in French, I was almost convinced that the Message was truth but I wanted to know more before I believed it. One day, a brother gave me a book called, "The Story Of My Life" (My Life Story). When I first saw the title, I thought, "Brother Branham is a proud man to talk about his life." I refused to read it at first.

I took the book and tried to understand what he wanted to say. I tried to sleep but could not, so I read the book till 2:00AM. In a moment, I doubted, saying that perhaps he is the greatest liar in the world, but I couldn't believe that. I wanted the same thing he had. Then I received the Message into my life. I know I will be ready to meet the Husband in the rapture.

God bless you for all you do for the Bride of Jesus Christ.
