Love Letters
It's not always parting the Red Sea or moving mountains. So often, the Lord sends us little love letters to remind us, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."His love for us is without measure and He tells us every day, if we would just listen.

I have been feeling so down and got to the point where Satan was telling me that I just was not predestinated. I was just one of those people who "sees" the Message, but just cannot really "get IT." That if I was really a real believer that I wouldn't be having these trials.

Maybe, I was like that piece of fabric Brother Branham talked about, where the woman lays down her pattern on the piece of goods and she decides what part she wants for her garment and the rest is cut away: I must be the part that was not chosen, the part that was cut off.

So, I visited the VGR website, read some testimonies, and looked at the Quote Of The Day, it's after midnight and once again I can't sleep. The new quote that was put on at midnight didn't seem to be what I needed, so I clicked on the little calendar to see what yesterday's quote was. While the new Quote Of The Day was loading, I was looking at the picture on my desktop, a picture that a friend made special for me. I prayed, "Lord if I'm yours, please just give me some thing to let me know."

The Daily Bread that my eyes fell on when I opened them?

DAILY BREAD: "...for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine." Isaiah 43:1

All doubts left immediately. All I could do was say: THANK YOU JESUS!!!

Your sister Angie