
The witnessing CDs continue to produce wonderful testimonies. This brother from Trinidad is experiencing wonderful success and wanted to share a few testimonies with the Bride of Christ around the world.

When the CD's were announced and Brother Joseph said that they were especially for the developed world, where there were so many tracts, I knew they would be a special blessing. I immediately ordered a set of the CDs. They have since been such a tremendous blessing to me and, I am sure, to the individuals that received them.

I normally carry a few with me in my van that I give out as I feel led. On this day, I was on my way to do a site visit for a potential construction contract. My dad was on site and so were two brothers of mine. The site was a Pentecostal Church that they wanted extended. I pulled up in front of the church and looked down on the seat of my van, and there was the CD "Behold I Stand At The Door And Knock." I exited the vehicle and approached the building. I then noticed that there was a woman inside the church doing some cleaning. It came to me that I should offer the woman this CD. It was a thrilling moment for me, as I stood at the door of that Pentecostal Church, knocking on the glass door, with the message in hand, "Behold I Stand At The Door And Knock." She graciously accepted the CD.

Another occasion, I had a bank transaction to do, and I pulled into a parking spot opposite the bank, and remained in my vehicle. I just sat there, wondering why I was sitting there for what seem to be no good reason. After a few minutes, I then got out of the vehicle and headed for the bank. Crossing my path was an old acquaintance that had done some work for me in the past. After exchanging greetings, I acknowledged that I was living by the Grace of God. This opened the door for witnessing as he admitted that he wasn't doing too well. After talking for a while I offered him, "The Revelation of the Seven Seals" book, took out a stack of the witnessing CDs, and let him choose. It is amazing how the topics are so relevant to today and the questions on the hearts of the people. He immediately selected the message, "Jezebel Religion," as his problems mainly centered on women. He said, "This looks like what I need." He called me two days ago and he was ecstatic about the book and the CD. He said, "The Prophet Branham is real." He testified to me that when reading the book, he immediately stopped smoking marijuana after trying for years. He said the book and the CD are changing his life. He now wants to be baptized and serve the Lord. Had I gotten out of my vehicle as soon as I arrived, I would have not met this man. Everything has a reason.

One day on the way home after work, a worker sitting in the back seat of the van noticed the missionary CDs and asked me if I was selling them, (still wrapped in plastic). I said no and asked him if he would like to have one. Searching through the stack, he lingered on "The Greatest Battle Ever Fought," and as I was about to drop him off, he handed me back the CDs, not believing that I would give him any. I said, "No! You can have one of your choice." He took "The Greatest Battle Ever Fought" with the words "I think this is what I need right now." Two days later, he was telling me how inspiring the message was (he is a denominational believer) and commented about the prophet, "He doesn't use big words that you don't understand, but when he speaks, you feel it in your heart that it is the truth." He asked me if it was possible to get more of these CDs. I offered to lend him another one and he selected "Influence Of Another." It is now between him and God.

As I was offering a CD to an interested man, a homeless woman, probably also insane, approached us and asked in a sweet polite voice, "Can I have one of those CD's? Please? Please?" We tried to ignore her and I began reading the titles to the man, beginning with, "You Must Be Born Again." She again politely interrupted and asked for the message, "You Must Be Born Again." We asked her if she had a CD player. She said, "I just wanted to hold it to my heart," and would give it to her children. I couldn't refuse her and gave her the CD, wondering at the many "sane" people that would refuse this Message, and this woman would not leave until she got the CD. I pray that she receive an eternal blessing for herself and her children.

It is truly a blessing as every one of the CDs is a testimony to give, and no doubt a blessing to receive. May God continue to bless and prosper this great work of VGR.

Your brother in Christ


Trinidad W.I.