The prison ministry is still going strong here at VGR as we send thousands of books and tapes to inmates around the world. Here are a few excerpts of the letters we receive from these prisoners of Christ.
I really enjoyed the testimonies of the different ones; it brings a tear to my eyes. See, I also heard of the great and mighty prophet of God when I was only 18 years old in a correctional institution. A servant of Jesus was a guard and he saw me reading my Bible and handed me the Life of William Branham. That was it, that is all I believe ever since. I am going to be 28 this month and have never left this Message, it's the truth! I am so humbled that Brother Branham gave this Message to me, the same as he gave to these that it blessed. I am so thrilled to know He still cares for those behind walls, as He did me. Praise our Lord Jesus Christ for this. I receive books from Voice Of God and spend each precious moment in the jail cell with the Message. I may regret what brought me to jail, but I don't regret going there, because I have the Message today. After hearing me, my mother and sister have now received the Message.
My brothers, I am so praising the Lord since we have been allowed CD's and you were kind enough to send me a CD of the Life Story. I have been having a revival. Brothers as precious as the books are when you receive them, hearing the voice is more precious than you think could be possible. Such blessings, like laying in the sun, you are warm all over. What I wanted to say was my roommate asked me to go ahead and play the disk so he could also hear. Well I played it and played it. Last week my roommate was crying. I asked him what is wrong and he just busted out and went on his knees and gave his heart to our Lord Jesus Christ. Brothers it is that Voice Of God, that's where the power is!
I really did not ask for this, I just wanted something to read. I was raised a nice Catholic girl as a teen. I gave my heart to the Lord and became a Baptist. I was married, divorced at 34, and went back to being a Catholic. I have read 70 Weeks, Demonology, and Hebrews. You make me so confused, kind of like old Baptist – Catholic, I don't know. But I do know there is nothing like this taught in the churches I went to, but something tells me this is the truth, no that's not right, more than truth. It's like the True Word of God, Oh it is so REAL! Bless you.
Could you tell me more about this Brother Branham, does he still live? I have never heard of someone who has as much knowledge as he has. I would very much like to meet him.
I was baptized in 1980 and went to church regularly. Good church, good people, and probably could have spent my whole life like that, very happy. But I took a wrong turn and here I am in Federal Prison. I always thought this is a big waste of time being in here, but then someone gave me a book to read. It took me a while and I reflected back on my church life. Looking back it was as if the whole thing was just a drunken stupor, just going on from day to day, never really knowing what is going on. Now I don't look at this like a waste of time, I found something real that we only danced around before. I don't believe there was any other way for me to have this Message placed into my hands other than this prison. I can now see clearly and walk straight. Now I read the Message all the time, I do not want to waste one second of my life again.
What a blessing the CTV is to us behind these walls. We don't get out a whole lot, and the CTV takes us around the world to believers we never knew existed. I've been in here a very long time, and I would like to tell you that my body and these tired old eyes gain strength feasting upon the mighty works that our Lord Jesus Christ continues to perform for His creation, His sons and daughters in this day.
Brothers I have two things I write to you. They closed the workshop down here, it was quite a blow to us as there were 300 of us inmates working there. I felt so bad because I did not know how I could do my part in supporting the work. I prayed to God for help, that He knows my heart, and I don't think I could live with out supporting His work. Well the next morning the foreman looked me up and asked if I was not working. He said, "Out of 300 we are keeping five working, you are one of the five." I cried and praise the Lord all day! The other thing, we are a small group here; we are made fun of, cussed at, and told we are liars for following a false teacher. They call us "Branhams." Little do they know, it's an honor for us to even know that name. Now the prison has cut off all CD's, DVD's, etc. unless they come from "their" approved music vendor. Just when we were starting to receive CD's, we appealed but they will not even hear us. So we will go above their heads. If a mountain is not able to stand...
First and foremost I am a believer, however I am a Catholic, if that even matters. I also take this as a sign because I have been to jail many times, and I come to the realization that I need Jesus in my life. Drugs are the battle that I have, that poison that has ruined my life. Yet, I have bounced back and repented for the sins I committed in my life. I want to change, I need to change. My heart and mind are open to these books, because there was a reason I got this address. I hope you can help me in my journey. Thank You.
Enclosed is my support. I told you that when I am released from prison I would support this needed work. The books are such a help to the inmates and I made sure they had a good home in the library.
If it were not for this Message I'd be lost, condemned, and with no hope.
I was raised in a group home. I was arrested the first time at age 11, and finally for my 18-year birthday, was arrested for helping in a robbery and second-degree murder. That was 22 years ago. I never had anything stable in my life, never had anyone I trusted or that I believed. I am so happy and thankful that that is no longer true. I'm thanking the Lord for Brother Branham. He took the time to write books just for me at this time when I am at the end. He explained to me about the Man Jesus Christ in whom I have complete trust. I am at rest, I believe. Thank you Lord.
When I first arrived here, a well-meaning brother gave me a book from the 7th Day Advent Church, but I found the book to be dry and tasteless. Then I started reading the books of Brother Branham. I realized that this was something altogether different and it made me realize where I was and that I needed God. Please pray for my family, and me. They are all 7th Day Adventist. I also want to receive the Holy Spirit.
The chaplain received the DVD that you sent him. The last Sunday instead of service he played the 20th Century Prophet. I never heard it so quiet in the Chapel. It seemed like everyone was straining not to miss one word. After the service all they could say was, Wow! Everyone asked for the chaplain to play it this Sunday as they want to make sure not to miss anything. I can't wait!