Here is my testimony of what really happened one evening that I put on, for the first time, an MP3 CD of the Voice of God! It's less than a week since I received a gift from God, as tapes of the Spoken Word. I put on the CD entitled, "The Mighty God Unveiled Before Us." Of course I was listening to the French interpretation in order to understand it. The surprising thing was that my body leaped with joy to it.
I thought I was cold; I had goose bump on my back! I felt like floating in the air. I felt so good, and my whole body was shaking.
I bowed down my head and tears were running down my face unwillingly. I had a feeling of being filled, nourished, and the Voice of the prophet made me feel good. I can't find the exact words to explain the true anointing that are on those tapes, and that has boosted my faith once again into this Message. It was like a reconciliation with the Lord! An unexplainable joy mixed with tears invaded my being, and I can testify today that William Marrion Branham is the prophet of the Lord and the Voice on those tapes is the Voice of God!
I feel transformed, changed to somebody else. I am in peace with myself. Those who have not yet listened to those tapes, I will tell you to try! I am a true rebel, but since the two or three past days, now my soul is on its way for healing! I myself am very astonished by this Divine Anointing that are on those tapes. Even my own son who backslid was also attracted by the sound of the Voice of God! I am filled and blessed!
May the God of Branham bless you all!
A sister in St Joseph, Martinique