He That Hath An Ear

What do we take for granted? Our families, our income, our homes; we have so much to be thankful for. But how often do we thank the Lord for allowing us to hear his prophet with our own ears? This sister from the Caribbean was already a believer, but a little while ago, she heard Brother Branham with her own ears for the first time. Even though she does not speak English, she felt the power that is present in the Voice. We can all relate to her excitement.

Here is my testimony of what really happened one evening that I put on, for the first time, an MP3 CD of the Voice of God! It's less than a week since I received a gift from God, as tapes of the Spoken Word. I put on the CD entitled, "The Mighty God Unveiled Before Us." Of course I was listening to the French interpretation in order to understand it. The surprising thing was that my body leaped with joy to it.

I thought I was cold; I had goose bump on my back! I felt like floating in the air. I felt so good, and my whole body was shaking.

I bowed down my head and tears were running down my face unwillingly. I had a feeling of being filled, nourished, and the Voice of the prophet made me feel good. I can't find the exact words to explain the true anointing that are on those tapes, and that has boosted my faith once again into this Message. It was like a reconciliation with the Lord! An unexplainable joy mixed with tears invaded my being, and I can testify today that William Marrion Branham is the prophet of the Lord and the Voice on those tapes is the Voice of God!

I feel transformed, changed to somebody else. I am in peace with myself. Those who have not yet listened to those tapes, I will tell you to try! I am a true rebel, but since the two or three past days, now my soul is on its way for healing! I myself am very astonished by this Divine Anointing that are on those tapes. Even my own son who backslid was also attracted by the sound of the Voice of God! I am filled and blessed!

May the God of Branham bless you all!

A sister in St Joseph, Martinique