Building A Foundation

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Greetings to the Bride of Jesus Christ! How much I love Him!

I just wanted to give a small testimony of God's hand on me and of the faith of my children in a very trying circumstance. While mowing Tuesday evening, I hit a nest of yellow jackets. Feeling a sharp pain in the back of my right foot, I feared I had been bit by a snake. Looking around I did not see a snake; instead I saw bees buzzing everywhere. I realized I had hit a nest, and immediately I had bees all over and around me.

I ran for the house, hitting at the bees and hollering for help. I had, I am guessing, 10-20 places I had been stung. After the initial shock, the Lord calmed me; I started praying, "Lord, you took care of your prophet one time when he hit a nest of hornets and they did not even sting him, and I know you can take care of me now. I did not mean to hit that nest."

My children were crying and worrying about Mom. My youngest came to me, she is seven years old, and asked me if I had gotten stung on the shoulder. I responded with "no." She laid her hand on my shoulder and started praying for me. Oh, the faith of children! My 10-year-old immediately got on the VGR website and submitted a prayer request. My 14-year-old daughter found the Jesus checks and wrote out a check, "that Mom will be made well." All the bases had been covered; how could the Lord not take care of me?

I did not have a single allergic reaction to those stings, though there was a lot of pain for a good day and a half. But I got to thinking, "you know, the Lord Jesus suffered a whole lot more than this for me, surely I can endure a little of pain." I sat in my recliner and repeated over and over again, "by His stripes I AM healed." You know, the body has to obey your confession, and praise the Wonderful Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I am free of pain this morning.

I am so very thankful to Him! I maybe did not receive immediate healing of the bee stings, but I saw that what my children have heard and been taught, what they have taken to heart, and that when trials come, they know where to turn. Thank the Lord Jesus! We serve a very real and living God! He is Hebrews 13:8.