Obedience To The Word

We received this testimony from a brother who witnessed the power of simply quoting the Word of God.

I used to get some pretty bad nosebleeds, but haven't had one in quite some time. The other night, I was at dinner with some fellow Christians when all of sudden my nose started to bleed profusely. It was the worst one I had in years.

The paper napkin I was using to stop it was soaked with blood. As I was about to get up from the table and go to the restroom, the pastor's wife got up from her chair, came around the table, and didn't pray but she simply quoted Ezekiel 16:6, which is about the Lord stopping a blood issue when He passed by.

That simple act of laying her hand on my shoulder and quoting the Word of God, stopped my nose bleed within SECONDS! It was draining blood one second and the next it was completely healed. Praise the Lord! It again taught me it's not always about "praying" for the sick, but its simply obedience and faith in His Word that brings about the promise!

God Bless you,

Brother Jon