Kinshasa Office

The port city of Kinshasa is home to more than 10 million people, and provides a shipping gateway from the Atlantic Ocean to the interior of the African continent via the Congo River. Its strategic location is also vital to our work here at VGR. There are upwards of 800,000 believers in the Democratic Republic Of Congo, in addition to the tens of thousands of believers in Rwanda, Burundi, and Republic Of Congo, which makes our Kinshasa office one of our busiest in the world. Many twenty-foot containers regularly leave our docks here in Jeffersonville and later arrive at the Kinshasa office, where they will be separated out and sent farther up the river to the believers in the interior of the continent.

Not only do millions of books and CDs flow through that office, but it also receives hundreds of visitors every month. The believers regularly visit the office to use the tape-listening facility, pick up their own copies of Message books, or just stop by to get their batteries charged. The following is a summary of the June visit report from our office.

Type of materials Total
English books 148
French books 887
French Tracts 5,447
Lingala Tracts 2,429
FRN CTV Newspaper 83
ENG CTV Newspaper 11
FRN COD Books 106
Sermons on cassettes tapes (29 titles) 7
Prayer cloths given out 28
Visitors 915