Quote Of The Day

One of the common questions we receive here at VGR is, "How do you choose the Quote of the Day and who says when it posts?" That's a good question, because whoever chooses that quote really seems to know what we need to hear that day. It seems that they are really in tune with what is on the hearts of God's people worldwide.

What is amazing is that we don't actually choose when these quotes post. The quotes were picked out a few years ago (hundreds and hundreds of quotes), paired with a Scripture, then put into a database. The QOTD is "randomly" taken from that database. We know better than to say they are posted "randomly," but we are just as excited as you are to hear what the Lord has in store for the next Quote.

The following is one of the many testimonies we receive about how timely the QOTD is. It is from one of the chaperons at the most recent Still Waters camp.

It was Tuesday morning, the second day of camp, but our first breakfast together. Brother Joseph was talking to the young people about "Quiet Time." He said that God doesn't always work in the loud obvious things, but in the quiet, more subtle things. "Have you ever heard the dew fall, or the world turning? It is the great, quiet things that God works in." He spent a good amount of time talking about God working in quiet things. Soon after, we learned that a brother who would be working at the camp that day had heard the quote of the day before heading out to camp. He printed it out to share with the other camp workers. This was it:


It isn't always the noisy things that's great things. It's not the noisy things. A wagon can go out in the field; when it's unloaded it'll bump, and rattle, and make a lot of noise, can come right back over them same bumps loaded with good things, and won't even make a squeak. Why, it's loaded. What the church needs tonight is to be loaded, filled with the love of God.

The sun can draw a million gallons of water with less noise than we can pump a glass full out of a pump. That's right. The--the heavens can sprinkle dew all over the earth with less noise than you can sprinkle your front lawn. Certainly. Did you ever hear the planets turning? Great things are quiet things.

Watch the Holy Spirit when It comes in tonight, how quiet It gets everything. But we're after sensations, running after little things, failing to hear that voice.

59-0412E What Hearest Thou Elijah?

On Tuesday night Brother Joseph introduced a new word to the young people: "Hypoglycemic." He explained that some people have a condition that requires them to eat many small meals throughout the day. After they eat, they feel great, but it isn't long before they must eat again. Food doesn't strengthen our body for very long. You have to constantly replenish yourself. He compared it to our spiritual lives. We can feast on the Word and have a wonderful time with God, but soon we must have more. It is a constant replenishing. We need to be "hypoglycemic" for the Word!

The next morning, this was the quote that posted as the quote of the day:


Now, our bodies need food and drink each day to survive, our physical body. If we don't take food each day and drink, then our body weakens. There's something in us that we must have food. One day's food will not last for the next day. You've got to have food each day to strengthen your mortal being. You can live over, but you're weaker. And the second day, you're still weaker. And the third day, you're getting tremendous weak.

Well, that's what many times that we do in the spiritual realm. You see, each day we've got to commune with Christ. We've got to talk to Him each day. We've got to settle it with Him each day. Paul said, "I die each day. (See?) Each day, I die; yet I live, not me but Christ lives in me." So if your physical body needs food each day and drink each day to survive, your spiritual body needs spiritual Food and communion with the Lord each day to survive. Yes.

62-0204 Communion