Be Certain Of God

We received this testimony from a sister in Suriname, South America.

It was exactly 9:15 a.m. in Paramaribo, Suriname, when my family and I sat down and listened to the tape entitled, "Be certain of God."

The Lord had placed it on Brother Joseph's heart that all who couldn't attend the youth camp, should listen to this tape so that we could also have our "quiet moment" with God. It has been long since the family and I listened so intensely to a tape on a Saturday, other than during church service.


After the tape service, I got a phone call from a sister who lives in the village called Pikin Saron, almost 1.5 hours from the church in Paramaribo. They drive all the way just to listen to the Message of this hour.

She was crying over the phone when she told me that lightning had struck her and her three-year-old son, Joel.

While she was eating on the balcony, she asked Joel to fetch her some water. When he ran outside the house to do so, lightning struck the lamp with a big bang. During this time, she held a spoon in her hand and electric power hit her for a few seconds. She told me that it felt like someone had shot her with a gun.

After a few minutes, she realized that her son Joel was nowhere to be found, so she went outside to search for him. She walked outside the house and found him lying on the ground. She quickly ran to him and she called, but there was no response. She started to scream and shook him, but Joel was dead!

Meanwhile her daughter Rebecca came running into the yard, hearing her mother's scream, and dropped to the ground when she saw her dead brother. Sis. Cherryl started to cry and screamed, "No Lord, no Lord, this can't be, I am your daughter. I believe! No Lord, wake Joel in Jesus Christ Name!"

At that same time, Joel opened his eyes and screamed loudly, and started to cry.

He was brought back to life, amen!

Sis Cherryl and her daughter Rebecca began praising the Lord for what He had done, and are both witnesses to this miracle!

Sis Cherryl was certain of God!

May God bless you all, I am certain of Him, Amen!

I write this testimony on behalf of Sis. Cherryl and Bro. Edgar from Suriname.

Sister Jenny