There is nothing in the world that will lift our spirits more than the Word of God. We hope these little Nuggets of God’s love that have circulated through the VGR building lately will encourage you to keep pressing the battle.
If you amount to anything, you'll stand for God, you'll stand alone. It's you. It's not the world; it's not your church; it's not your denomination. It's you, between you and God.
59-0823 Palmerworm, Locust, Cankerworm, Caterpillar
There was probably ten or fifteen men with him. Did any of those men see that Light? No, sir. Paul saw It. It wasn't designated for them men to see It. So, some people can see things, where, others don't. See? So, Paul saw that Light, insomuch that It even blinded him. He couldn't see, for several days, It was such a reality to him. And he couldn't see for several...
Later on, when he wrote letters, his eyes bothered him so bad from that, until he wrote with great big letters. He said, "Seeing that I have written to you with large letters." He couldn't hardly see.
He was in jail, and he asked the Lord to heal him of it. And he consulted Him three times. But what did the Lord say? "My grace is sufficient, Paul."
Paul said, "Then will I glory in my infirmities." Because, he said, "Except I would be exalted above the abundance of the Revelation, there was given to me a messenger of the Devil, a thorn in the flesh, that buffet me." He'd get better for a while, and then away they go again. Buffet mean "blow after blow." Like the ship on the sea, you know, the waves buffet it, see, blow after blow.
And he would, he'd get better, and then have it again; then get better, have it again. He said, "Lord, what's the matter, You don't take this away from me?"
He said, "My grace is sufficient, Paul. Just keep on." It'd keep...
He said, "Now, if--if I was just perfect, and everything perfect," said, "then when I went along, oh, I'd get puffed up and say, 'You see, nothing wrong with me. Lord takes care of me, brother. Hallelujah!'" Then you're getting self-righteous.
God has to give you a little something, once in a while, to kind of meeken you up a little, you know. That's right. Kind of make you realize that He's the Boss. Oh, isn't He wonderful? Yes, sir, just glory!
57-0901 Hebrews Chapter Three
When you once see the Message of the hour, there's nothing else you can see but That. That's all. Everything else is gone, the rest of it's just a filler, see, see, when you once see the Message!
65-1127b Trying To Do God A Service…
"Against hope," all hopes was gone! Oh, every time I go to feeling a little "blue," here's the chapter I turn to, Romans 4, see.
(As it is written, I have made thee a father of... nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and called those things which were not as though they were. ("God said so!" See?)
Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of... nations; according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.
Now listen, 19th verse.
And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither... the deadness of Sarah's womb:
He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong... giving glory to God;
65-1126 Works Is Faith Expressed
Now, He is the Word. He is this Bible made living. And when you die to yourself with Christ like a corn of wheat, then the Word lives in you, brings forth the same results as It did in that living Corn of Wheat that had to drop into the earth. Amen. You're partakers in His resurrection. You're partakers with Him in all of His blessings, in all of His manifestations. You're partakers with Him in all that He did.
61-1224 Sirs We Would See Jesus
And that same Life that was lived in Christ Jesus has to be lived in the covenant people, same Life doing the same thing. Jesus said in John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also." Now, that's either right or wrong. It's got to be right. To me, every Word of It is right. Every Word is perfectly right. Notice how glorious God works.
62-0706 Jehovah Jireh 2
That's the way. Live so, that if God would want to use you, He knows right where to come get you. You're in a position, living a life clean before God; your words are honest; your life is true. That's the kind of a place that Angels come.
62-0706 Jehovah Jireh 2
So, the people tried, them Pharisees, and Sadducees, and hypocrites, and Herodians, and all tried to cast a shadow on Jesus. But them true believers that was predestinated to hear that Message, heard It and seen no fault in It at all.
Same now. Those who believe Him, love Him. Those who believe Him, see no fault in Him. They don't see any heresy. They don't see anything wrong. They don't see anything wrong with His Word. They don't see anything wrong with His people. They just see Jesus. That's all. They, they're--they're predestinated to Eternal Life, so they just take sides with Jesus and stay there.
62-0601 Taking Sides With Jesus
It's a easy way, it's a popular way with the people. It's easy to take the way where everybody can pat you on the back and say you're a good fellow, "And this is so-and-so and certain," and the world will look upon you. It's easy to go the popular way.
But when--when you have to do something different, when you have to stand to your conviction of what you know to be the Truth, there is where the hard part, that's the rub comes, right there.
65-0217 A Man Running From The Presence Of The Lord
We are joined, the Church, to Christ, by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And the way you know the baptism of the Holy Ghost, is 'cause that Spirit in you identifies every Word of God to be the Truth. That's right. "For whosoever shall take one Word out of It, or add one word to It, his part will be taken from the Book of Life."
65-0418e Does God Ever Change His Mind About His Word
See, you don't go in by speaking in tongues. You go in by keeping every Word. That's the evidence of the Holy Ghost, when you believe the Word of God.
65-0418e Does God Ever Change His Mind About His Word
So, I want every day of my life to count for Him. What I have left, what time I have, I want to spend it somewhere doing something, if it's no more than stand on a street corner, testifying to the glory and honor of God. And I--I'm here for that purpose.
65-0711 Ashamed
Oh, hide me in the Rock of ages! God, let me, let me. Breathe upon me, Lord. Spirit of the living God, breathe on me. Let me take God's Filter and live under That, Lord. Let me breathe the fresh air of the Holy Ghost into my lungs, in my soul each day, that I sin not against You, O Lord. Breathe on me, Holy Spirit, breathe on me! I...
Let me plant the Word of God in my heart, and purpose there that I'll not turn to the right hand or to the left hand, away from It, but I'll live true to It all the days of my life. And, O Father God, then send down upon me the Holy Spirit of Life, to quicken those Words to me, that I might manifest Jesus Christ before those who are before me, to looking for it to happen. That's my prayer.
65-0822e A Thinking Man’s Filter