
What is the greatest burden on a parent’s heart? Of course, it is our children. We received this testimony from a family that put their child in the most capable hands there are: the hands of the Lord Jesus.

I wanted to share a wonderful testimony of my son's healing with you. Last year our little boy was diagnosed around eight months of age with a condition called plagiocephaly, which basically means that he had a misshaped head that needed to be corrected by wearing a reshaping helmet for about 20 hours a day, for 4 months.

Our insurance was willing to pay 100% for the helmet, but my wife and I felt we should pray about whether to do this, as we had mixed feelings about going forward with the doctor and physical therapist's suggestion. In prayer I felt like God laid it on my heart to trust Him as God had already healed our son at 3.5 months old of a muscle condition called "torticollis."

My wife and I decided to trust God and not go ahead with the helmet. It was a hard decision to make and we felt at times like bad parents, but we decided to do what God led us to do.

Our son is now 20 months old, and several nights ago, my wife told me in the evening that we needed to testify of his healing regardless of what the symptoms looked like. I agreed with her and we went to bed. The next day I noticed that my son's head looked different. He seemed so much more handsome, and had just gotten a haircut so his head shape was pretty obvious, and now it looked normal! I told my wife that night that I thought his head shape had changed.

Yesterday, while getting ready to go to church, my wife and mother-in-law both noticed our son's head, and both of them agreed that his head shape has changed since my mother-in-law arrived for a visit on 9/6/11. Last night, after the putting our three children to bed, my wife and I were talking with my mother-in-law and she shared with us that several days ago she and my wife were hearing a tape during the day while I was at work. At the end of the tape, Brother Branham said to lay your hands on the person next to you and pray. My mother-in-law had laid hands on our little boy and prayed in her heart that our little boy's head would be shaped normally. None of us know when exactly the miracle happened after the tape was played, but we all know that our little son now has a normally shaped head.

We hope this little testimony blesses any that read it. We have been trusting God for his healing for over a year now and God answered prayer! May God richly bless each parent that reads this that has a child with problems. We are praying with you and thanking God that by His stripes your little one was already healed at Calvary.

Your brother and sister in Christ,

Matt and Ruth