Message Audio

Next to the Quote Of The Day, the Message Audio page is used more than any other page of branham.org. This is where believers all over the world can download Brother Branham’s books or listen to his sermons. It is used by tens of thousands of people worldwide.

We received this email from a Bible student who found this website, and wanted to express his gratitude for the Message that he is coming to love.

Thank you for making audio available. God has been changing my life through Brother Branham. I have been listening every night, and God is doing a new thing in me.

I am a student at Christ for the Nations, and I am pursuing God’s will with all of my heart. We have a healing and miracle class, and at the beginning of the semester, we talked about some of the great men who walked in the anointing of Jesus Christ; the anointing that destroys every yoke. We talked about Oral Roberts, Gordon Lindsay, John G Lake, John Alexander Dowie, and Brother Branham.

I started searching this; the Holy Spirit was leading me and showing me something... since then I understand things, and I know that God has brought me to a new spiritual level. All I can say is God bless whoever set this up and allowed me to listen.

Thank you with all my heart. Please pray with me in seeing revival in God’s children, thank you.
