Similar to the testimony I read today Trust In His Word. Several years ago Satan attacked my family also. My husband had lost both his parents and been laid off from his job indefinitely. In the midst of that, he also backslid and was making choices that would affect our whole family.
I had a journal that I wrote in, and I prayed, and wrote to God continuously. This went on for months, but one day it was like God turned the light on, and out of the darkness we came. Glory be to the Lord.
Today our family is still together and stronger than ever. We have had another baby since then, and we grow in the love of the Lord every day. PRAISE THE LORD!
My only regret is, as I talked to people around us that knew us well about what was going on, I never gave the Lord Jesus the glory. In fact, I sometimes would say things, giving myself credit for pulling us back together. I feel so bad for that, it just makes my heart ache that I didn’t give our precious Lord the glory He deserved for answering my prayers and keeping the family HE gave me together…
It’s been four years since all that strife… May the Lord Jesus Christ bless all your families, brothers and sisters, as the world continues to travail, waiting for our precious LORD JESUS CHRIST to return.