Inmates have little contact with the outside, with their main form of communication being the postal service. We receive hundreds of letters from prisoners every week; and almost every one is requesting more books and tapes to be sent to them. Every letter gets answered, and every inmate that wants Message material gets it. Here are a few excerpts of those letters.
As you can imagine, new inmates are scared and sick when they arrive here. You would be amazed to see them change as soon as they see the books; there is just a peace that comes over them. God bless this work.
I am humbled by the way this Message continues to bring me closer to Christ.
This might sound bad, but if I had to come to prison to receive this Message, it was worth it all.
Please send me a copy of, Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever. A Muslim tore my book up and trashed it. May God have mercy on his lost soul.
I will be released shortly and I don’t want to return again. After losing my mother and dad, I took to drinking to cure my sorrow. Now I am a complete drunk and in jail. Mr. Branham, I know if I can just have some of your material that would steer me in God’s direction, that I would be all right. I am sorry and apologize for not seeking the Man from Calvary earlier in my life.
Because of Brother Branham, I have grown so much since I have been in here; I know my life has been healed. Every book that you have sent here has been shared with others, and even though they will not admit it, you can see they have been touched and changed. How could you not be changed when you are exposed to the Truth? Something we have never experienced. There is a different Spirit walking these halls.
Brother Branham said my footsteps are ordered, so I am suppose to be here. I often wondered why I am here, now I know. I am Native American and we have the Great Spirit. I know I am here to meet the one who the Great Spirit talks to. Never has a man spoke like Brother Branham. He does not waste time speaking to your face, he goes right to the heart, that’s where the True Spirit lives. Now I know, now I follow Jesus Christ, no more trials for me, I am free.
Well, it has been 16 years and next year I get out. I watched them come and go over the years. Most leave bitter and angry, not me. You see, two years ago I met my Lord. A brother that was born in Kentucky came by to see me and has stayed with me ever since. Kind of one-sided fellow. All he ever wanted to talk about was Jesus Christ… I learned that there is only One, and that is Jesus Christ, and He is the Word. It’s been hard but I learned not to look to anything else, there is only One Way. I will be leaving here a new man, born again, with my whole life ahead of me. I pray that I stay this course and my Lord will grant me a good job that I may return the blessings that I have received, for there are many that I leave behind that are still searching.
Blessed be the Lord Jesus that still uses His servant William Branham to speak to our lives.
My husband and I, well we were doing wrong. The good thing is, we were caught. I am in a woman’s prison and one of the inmates gave me a little book. I read it and found out they have a little meeting here and go over the books. I just never knew. I have read many of the books now and Brother Branham has never told me how wrong I was. He just tells what is right. Now I constantly seek Jesus Christ and Him only. We have a saying here, when someone says something. “That’s Ok but what does the Book say” our group only has one truth! Thank you Brother Branham for turning me around with your love. Oh, I forgot, I got a letter from my husband, he is in a different prison. He asked me if I ever saw a book called, The Holy Ghost, by Brother Branham. I screamed and cried all night. The sisters tried to comfort me but when they read the letter, they cried also. Oh, the Mercy and Love of our Lord!
I only can say, “God bless you!”
A Native American inmate gave me a book called, “Man Sent from God” and told me it’s time to rest. Well I read the book, and I can say that this is it. This is perfect! I told him this is 100% but I never heard of Brother Branham. He told me you have to be a seeker and that his church was very small but his voice is heard around the world in many tongues. There are three of us now and we always study together.
I would like to improve myself by serving the Lord and be of good use to Him once I leave this prison. Perhaps, keep others from coming here.
I thank every one of you that helped make it all possible. I hope you can continue to send me books. I wish I could send you some money, but my wife works and is only able to pay for the bare necessities for herself and our three children. I only have one year left on my sentence, and I am trusting in the Lord that He will help me win my family to the Lord. I have made Brother Branham my pastor and I want to hear what the good pastor has to say.
In the library I found a book, COD pt2, and I was very curious to see what it had to offer. My friends, I always had a problem with religion, as there were never any direct answers. I always had one question that always stayed with me and I would ask everyone that tried to talk to me about religion. You can imagine my surprise while reading this COD pt2, that my question was answered in such a way that I felt dumb for not realizing all along. My friends, how simple Brother Branham brings forth the Word, why would anyone ever have a question? Please I ask you, that if you would send me COD pt1, so I can further learn the truth about the Word of God.
Sounds funny to pray for a stamp, but that’s what I did. Boy I came a long way, had big ideals, and now I am praying for a stamp. I thank the Lord that He provided one and now I am asking you to send me more books.
My cellmate asked me, “What you got there?” I showed him, and he just shook his head and said, “I can’t believe this. My family followed him. I’ve been to the church, toured the place also. But, I turned my back and walked away, nothing to do with it. Now It’s come after me in here.” Brothers pray for him, he is tore up, especially now. He talks some but not much.