Do You Fear Cancer?

We received this testimony from a brother in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

On February 2011, I went to see the doctor and after some examinations, doppler image and blood tests, he concluded that I had prostate cancer. Later, a biopsy confirmed this information.

The doctor that treated me did not give me any hope, but only sent me home to wait for my death. However, I believed that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. I prayed and felt led to see another doctor.

With the results, I went to this other specialist and asked him if he agreed with those results. There were indications that the cancer had come to my bones and I had only a short time of life.

I entered in desperation and sought the Lord in prayer. The local believers joined me in prayers and pleas to the Lord for my life.

With confidence in Him and full of faith, the doctor allowed me to take new examinations. What a surprise it was to see that all the new exams came out as normal as they could be! They even took more of these examinations and they came normal every time showing I had been healed by the divine power of the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!

Seven months have passed and the results of the new tests are still normal. I ask that you publish this testimony for the glory of the Great Saviour and Lord of my soul. Our dear Lord Jesus Christ.

Brother Luis Ortiz das Neves