This reminds me of what happened to me the summer I turned ten years old. I would swell up badly when bitten by mosquitoes. At the time, the doctor thought it to be allergy related. He told us to use a cortisone cream and for me to take Benadryl whenever it happened. One day I got three bites on my arm that began to swell so fast that they joined, and I had a hard red area from my wrist to my elbow. We did just as the doctor instructed us to do, but the swelling did not go down. The third day was Sunday and they were having a prayer line. I went through the line believing that the next time I pulled up my sleeve, everything would be normal.
After the service, I asked my mother if I could stay the night with a friend and my mom said, “No, we might have to take you to the emergency room tonight.” To which I replied, "No you won't have to because my arm is normal now."
She asked me how my arm looked, and I had to admit I had not even checked. I proceeded to pull up my sleeve and there was no swelling, just the marks where I was bit. One of those marks never left. Twenty-six years later, it is a constant reminder of what God did for me. Truly, He will do anything if we only believe.