Quiet Time

Imagine: thousands of believers around the world going before the Father, all at one time. As Brother Joseph said, “It starts a ripple, and that first ripple creates another ripple, and another, and another, and on and on until it spans the entire body of water. When you take one little action to drop a stone in the water, it will create thousands of other actions. The bigger the stone, the bigger the results.”

Over the past few weeks, those ripples have gone far and wide, and each new stone that goes into the water just creates more ripples. We encourage you to continue on with your Quiet Time. And for those who have not heard of this yet, we invite you to join us on Saturday for an hour of quiet communion with the Lord Jesus.

We have received a few questions about Quiet Time, especially about the time of day. It is based on 7:00AM Jeffersonville time. The time on the www.branham.org and www.youngfoundations.org homepages should reflect the conversion from 7:00AM Jeffersonville time to your local time. In Jeffersonville, we observe Daylight Savings Time (DST), so our clocks change twice a year. Some states and countries do this and some do not. If you see a time change on the homepage, then it is probably because of the DST change this week.

Another question we’ve received is how to observe Quiet Time. To give you a few ideas: some people pray, some read their Bibles, some listen to Brother Branham, and some meditate on the Lord. We’ve also had questions about observing Quiet Time on other days. You can’t give the Lord too much of your time. Even if it’s just five minutes every day, the Lord will take everything you are willing to give Him.

What can a little time do? Here are a few testimonies from believers around the world.

I set my alarm Saturday morning a little before 4am. When I got ready to pray, my heart was fluttering so hard, I couldn't take a deep breath. I said Lord, it will be so hard for me to pray like this, so I'm asking You to stop this and make my heart beat normal so I can pray, according to John 14. It stopped immediately, and hasn't done it again. Praise God!

A sister in the United States

I said some wrong things to a group of friends during a fellowship gathering. I did my best to make it right with those people, but I had such sorrow in my heart. I was so sad all the time, for months. I also felt like I was a sinner because I couldn’t get over my mistake. During Quiet Time, I feel like the Lord told me to read Ecc 7:3. You can imagine my feelings when I read, “Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better.” Oh, I felt so much better, but I still worried about my mistake. Then the Lord led me to turn to II Corinthians 7:10-11 “For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation, not to be repented of… For behold this selfsame thing, that ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, yeah, what clearing of yourselves… In all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter.” The weight that I carried lifted right there.

A brother in the United States

Thanks very much for the Quiet Time. Thank you very much. What a blessing, what a joy. Every time I visit the VGR website, I want to make sure about the Quiet Time. I have no words to express the effects of the Quiet Time in my life, the sweetness and blessing. In my heart I cannot wait for Saturdays, for the Quiet Time.

A young brother in Namibia

I want to tell you how very wonderful it is to be able to participate in this awesome idea that the Lord has given to you our precious Brother Joseph, Quiet Time. It has very definitely turned my life into the way it should be. I have found a closer bond with my dear Lord Jesus. I know that He is with me always, wretch that I am. I have waited all my life for this walk with Him, and am so thankful. I cannot say enough, but my Lord knows my heart.

A sister in Canada

I am a deacon in the church in Brazil and I follow everyday the news in the site of VGR, and I feel the direction of Holy Ghost on Brother Joseph Branham when summoning the Christians about of the earth for a quiet time on Saturdays. This week we had a meeting of pastors in our city, and I was driven to print this it page and to give to my pastor. He liked a lot and he read it for the pastors that were present. All liked it and they asked for copies, and now will have many churches in our country uniting the faith in prayer on this quiet time on Saturdays.

A brother in Brazil

I have been looking for something that will change my life. As I was in church, a brother in read about the quiet time. It just came to my heart that it’s time to make a change in my life. I thank God for staying with us. To all the believers around the world, make time with God. He wants to make a change in our lives.

A brother in Namibia