From That Time

Brother, let me give you some advice. If you've never met God face to face, let me tell you something: You stay at that altar. Just stay there until you meet God. Then you can point your finger back to that New Year night, not and say, "I turned a new page, I made a new vow," but, "From that time on I met God, and life was changed, and things were different, and everything's become new to me again, from that time on." The time that you meet God.

59-1231 And From That Time

Our lives may seem like they are crumbling around us, but our Heavenly Father is closely watching our every move. We all come to the point Brother Branham was speaking of: that time when we look back and say, “From that time…”

God bless you richly my precious brothers and sisters. I would like to share this testimony with you about what the Lord did for me by His Amazing Grace.

I had once lost everything in my life after serving in the military for three years, living a riotous life and being back-slidden. I had many nightmares and hauntings around the time of my leaving the Army.

Suddenly out of nowhere, something said to me, "Why don't go back to the Lord's Army?"

It was so weird, because for the time I had been in there, I had not once thought of Brother Branham. Even when people would call me a Christian, I would tell them not to, because I was not living the way a Christian should live.

After I got out the army, I went to school. I had some problems from home and moved away again. I worked somewhat successfully for a whole year. Then just like before, everything came crashing down. One by one: relationships, then I lost my home, and after a couple nights sleeping in my car, I lost my job. Finally I called my pastor from the city I ran from, and he told me to just come back home, which I did.

Imagine the shame of returning home a second time after running away again in shame and disgrace, again with nothing to show for it.

Then things went from bad to worse. One of the things I had treasured the most, the Lord made me give up. I stress the term “made,” because, God forgive me, I fought Him teeth and nail to keep it.

So after I lost that battle, which I would say was the straw that broke the camel’s back, I became very depressed, and began having suicidal thoughts.

Every Sunday on my way to church, for a time, I would have to cross a certain bridge. While driving, the enemy would tell me to park my van and run and jump, because if I walked up to the edge of the bridge, I would think about it too long and not do it.

I thank God for His Word and for Brother Branham, because I finally got tired of the voices and started searching the quotes to see what Brother Branham said about suicide. Well after I saw it was of the devil, I left it alone, but I still had that emptiness from the loss I had before.

A few months later, I got a job as a security guard and while on patrol, there was this one place where there was construction going on that I would pass through while making my rounds at night. So in this big empty space, I remembered to praise the Lord in my distress. So every night for weeks, I would be sad and raise my hands and shout, “Praise the Lord!” in this big open space.

Then one night the showdown came. The enemy came to me and said, “Every time you build something, God tears it down.”

I stopped to think, then I said, “No! You tear it down Satan! Every time I build something up, you come along in wickedness and tear it down.”

Then all of a sudden, something rose up in me. I started to pray. I said, “Lord, if you never give me anything I ask for, if you never answer another prayer, Lord I’ll still serve you all the days of my life, no matter what comes or goes, I’ll serve you Lord.”

Then I said, “Lord only let me trample the devil underfoot all my days.”

Saints, since then, there has been a big difference in my life. There’s been some ups and some downs, but I have a peace that passes all understanding, and I believe every Word. I even testify that I believe that the Message of Malachi 4 is nothing less than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

I pray for you at the Voice of God because of the battles you face everyday and the amazing work that you do. I appreciate you all and I love you all. Thank you, and may the Lord bless you Richly.

Your brother in Christ.
