From Darkness To Light

We received this testimony from a sister in Norway, who was delivered from a problem that so many people suffer with today.

I want to give glory and thanks and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ for setting me free from a horrible spirit. Ever since I was about 16 years, I have experienced periods where I came into a darkness, and I was filled with a sadness and emptiness without any reason. I didn´t feel joy over anything and it felt like my heart was wrapped in heavy chains of iron. Sometimes it was even hard to breathe properly. This diffuse heaviness has been in my family for a long time, but it wasn´t clearly identified until recently.

My brother went to see a psychiatrist because of this and got the diagnosis, “Dipolar Disorder 2.” He was glad that he finally could get the right medicine, but to me, it was like Satan finally was exposed, and I suddenly knew what the chains were all about.

I then sent a prayer request to VGR and pulled out the sword of faith. I commanded the devil to leave me and my family. The next week I was totally exhausted, but gradually a heavenly peace filled my heart, and I knew I was set free. I felt a deep joy that didn´t go away. All glory belongs to Jesus Christ!

I thank God for leading me through these problems, because it has made me so dependent on Him, and has shown me that He never leaves us, no matter how dark it gets. As our dear prophet said,

"So that's what gloom is sometime. If you look at it at a long distance, it looks gloomy and dark; but take God at His Word and be certain that He's God, and move up close to it; you'll find out it's just angels' wings a-beating together."

Sister Inger Marie