The areas covered during this trip extend for approximately 450km from Durban, covering the areas of Empangeni, Mathubathuba, Monzi, and Ingwavuma. In total, the distance on this trip calculated to approximately 1100km.
A few days before my trip, I had to make the necessary preparation to ensure that all those to be visited would be made aware of the date and time of my visit. More importantly I had to ensure that all the required material that would be distributed to the relevant Message groups were packaged and prepared for distribution. In this regard, the consignment would comprise the following material:
•Family packs containing all available Zulu Message books
•Zulu Tracts
•Zulu MP3’s
•Zulu Story books (Mother opossum and Footprints)
•Zulu Cassettes
•Mp3 players
•Family packs containing all available French Message books and
•English Lighthouse packages
Day 1: Saturday 29 October 2011
My first stop would be at Pastor Innocent’s home, who lives in the rural area of Empangeni, which is approximately 230km from Durban. On arriving at his home at about 12:30pm, we had some fellowship, after which I spent some time laying out the material in the church and preparing myself for the evening service.
The evening meeting started at 6:30pm, and despite of the extremely heavy rain, the faithful were not going to be deprived of this visitation and the opportunity to receive their “Food.” I was amazed when told that these saints actually walked many kilometers, and after the service, would walk back in the pitch darkness of the night. To them, the little inconveniences were irrelevant in relation to what they were about to receive (Food for the soul). With expectant hearts such as these, truly the Lord did not disappoint. In meeting their foremost desire, He has met their every other need.
The following material were handed over to this group:
•32 Family packs of Zulu books
•5 Zulu Mp3 sets
•2 MP3 players
•20 Zulu Opossum books
•20 Zulu Footsteps Of The Prophet books
•30 Zulu tracts (Jesus Christ the same Yesterday, Today and Forever)
Needless to say, each of them rejoiced when they received their allocation of the “Eternal Life ” material and thanked VGR and everyone else that made this all possible for them. After a blessed time, I was on my way at approx. 9:30pm in the heavy downpour to my lodge at Hluluwe.
At the lodge, I met with Bro Tapiwa who had travelled a long distance to meet with me so that the next day he could direct me to his fellowship in Ingwavuma (read more under Day 2 report).
Day 2: Sunday 30 October 2011
After just a few hours of sleep, Brother Tapiwa and I were up at 5am so that we could be at our next destination for the morning service. After a two-hour journey in the heavy rain again, we arrived at Sicelosethu High School in Inqwavuma, approximately 450km from Durban. Here, we were met by a group of 19 college students that live at this school’s hostel facility. The rain had prevented many of the other people living in the area from attending. Nonetheless the Lord gifted us with five baptism, which made the long trip extremely worthwhile.
Brother Tapiwa has been doing some great work in this area of Ingwavuma. His labour has been extremely fruitful in that 35 souls have been baptized in the few months that he started witnessing there. Someone with such zeal and passion for souls knows precisely how valuable the material is, as it is the Voice of God that will establish the people. Thus when he first heard of this trip, he continuously kept in touch with me to ensure that he and his group were not bypassed. Such was his anxiousness, that he travelled by public transport for approx. two hours to meet me at my lodge. He was determined not to be bypassed. The following material was issued to this group of believers:
•19 family packs of Zulu books
•5 Zulu MP3 sets
•1 MP3 Player
•30 Zulu Opossum books
•30 Zulu Footsteps books
•Handful of Zulu tracts
In addition, the following material were also left with Brother Tapiwa, who would issue these out to those (a group of approx 65 believers) that were not able to attend the meeting owing to the poor weather:
•40 family packs of Zulu books
I left Ingwavuma at approx 3pm and returned to the Lodge.