Depend Upon It

We received this testimony in response to the article titled, Depend Upon It, posted on November 14.

I would like to say, "This woman speaks the truth!" My husband and I had three girls in two and a half years, and he really badly wanted a son. About two and a half years after the birth of our third daughter, I was with child again. Ultrasound showed that it was a boy, with about 99% accuracy. My husband was elated!

When I was in the middle of my fourth month, I began to hemorrhage. My husband rushed me to the hospital, praying to the Lord quietly in his heart, "God, please don't take my wife, God please don't take my only son, please Lord let them be OK.”

When we got to the hospital and they had x-rayed and given me an ultrasound and whatmore, the doctor came to us. His face was grim. He said, "I am sorry but you ARE going to lose this baby. He has no chance of survival, and the chance of your wife's life is on the line. The placenta is tearing away from the wall of the uterus. I am sorry, there is nothing we can do." I asked, "Can't it re-attach itself?" He said, “No, once it has started tearing this bad, there is no turning back. Don't get your hopes up. You WILL lose this baby. All we can do is keep a bag of blood up by your I.V. Because as soon as it starts coming, we will be pumping the blood in as fast as we can."

As soon as my parents heard all this, my dad ran straight to the phone to try to get a hold of Brother Joseph. He didn't get to talk to him, but he did leave a prayer request on the prayer request line. And all my family prayed.

I felt so bad for my husband. I knew he loved me, but I also knew what this son meant to him. I was thankful for everyone’s prayers. I remember laying there all that day and into the night, watching that bag of blood and the nurses changing it every two hours, because the temperature couldn't get too warm.

By morning, the doctor was baffled, and sent me for another ultrasound. He was even more baffled by the results. My hemorrhaging had stopped and the placenta was growing back onto the uterus wall. He just couldn't believe it. He kept me another night to be sure.

They did another ultrasound to make sure, and it was definitely growing back on! He kept saying, "How can it be? How can it be?" But I knew what it was! And my heart swelled with pride and thanksgiving to my God in whom ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

A few months later, I gave birth to a healthy 10-pound baby boy, and we called his name Paul. That was 16 years ago.

Sister Rebekah