The following are excerpts of letters from prisoners that we have received over the past few weeks.
The other day a new fellow asked me what I did. You know, I could not remember. I had to think. He said, “How can you forget that?” I told him, “When I came here, I realized I was lost and doomed. I started going to church, then I realized there was no way back. Then a fellow gave me a book, which I am giving you, about the Church Ages and that is all I remember. Now that is when my life started. It has been years now and many books later. However, the candle that the Church Age Book lit inside of me shines brighter and warmer every day.” The fellow just looked at me, took the book from my hand, and walked off softly.
I have to admit, I was not interested. I had to wait in the library and there was a pamphlet there so I skimmed through it. Well, I then started reading. I ended up rereading parts over, then the whole pamphlet. I was never taught anything like this, and the more I read, the more I understood. It was like my eyes opened, and I saw things so clear. Questions I had about the one they call Jesus, were all answered. I did not even look at the cover when I picked it up, so imagine my surprise when I saw Him looking at me and the title, “Revelation Of Jesus Christ.”
I wanted to tell you just how much I love the Lifeline and the CTV. I enjoy them all. I just love reading the new testimonies and going on the missionary trips. It’s been a long time for me, but when I read about bicycling around town and talking to people about Brother Branham, it is just so encouraging. If you only know how many times, I have been around town with you.
I write with a grateful heart to say thank you for publishing such great material by Brother Branham. I have read so much good material by other authors, but never have I dreamed that such anointed material was available. It is as if everything I have read to this point has prepared me for this Message.
Never have I known such anointing and such knowledge of the Word of God until I received these books. Such a love for Jesus Christ and such dedication to the Word of God, I never thought existed. How could anyone display such love if not filled with His Spirit.
Well I am 45 years old, been in and out of here all my life. You name it, drugs, drink, women, nothing made any difference to me. This time when I arrived here, I felt old, but this is all I know. Somehow I got a little book, The Revelation of Jesus Christ. At least I knew what it meant, see I went to church years ago and remembered that Name. Well, I never knew this Name, they don’t teach this in no church I was in. This Jesus Christ is alive. I remember reading the first time and I actually look around to see if He was standing there. I can’t say I saw any light or shook or even cried, but I felt something and I believe what I read. I started praying and I pray everyday. I am sorry; I know I wasted my life and the lives of my family. But because of Brother Branham, I have, and am, changing. Please keep them coming, I know the more I read the better it gets.
I have been going to Bible classes for years now and I just started reading the books you sent to the prison here…So I set down with your book and the Bible, and found out that what they are teaching here leaves a lot out that you bring in your books. I know you are right because it lines up with the Bible and I want to thank you for sending these books to us so we can know the truth.
I know you probably receive a lot of mail saying how lives have been changed and I can say that mine has been. But my brothers, I have always leaned toward religion, oh, I know how did you get here, well, you just close your eyes for a second and here you are, it’s that easy. Anyway, it’s been years and I have attended every service they offered as much as I could. Brothers, as much as they teach, they do not even touch the surface. It scares me about where we are heading, they are not even half-truths, how are we going to survive? I have learned more in 30 minutes in the Church Age book then in the past 18 years attending three services a week! Oh, how I wasted my time. How they are wasting everyone’s time.
I’m serving 40 years so I will never see you here, but I will be at that Wedding Supper. See I have been washed clean by His Blood and I am a Spirit filled Eagle. I met a man in the yard that was just standing there alone. I walked up to him and looked at him; I thought he was in a trance or something. He looked at me and said God bless you brother and stuck out his hand. This was strange to me he had a big smile. I said what you on; he laughed and said, sorry I was just in my closet talking to my Lord Jesus Christ. I’m like, what you talking about man. He just grins and hands me a little booklet called The Eleventh Commandment and says, “read and God bless you.” Since that moment, my life has never been the same. Next, I read a Man Sent From God. Now every day I see my bother standing across the yard, he’s in his closet and I’m on this side in mine, thanking my Lord Jesus Christ for sending His prophet to us prisoners here in South Africa.
Brothers I want to confess. See we do not have many good Spanish books. So when you hear that you can get good Spanish books to read, sure we ask for them because we miss our language. They are beautiful books, well written, very good Spanish. But, we find out that they are not just books, you do not read these books and then put them aside, it does not work that way. You read and you read. First it’s just words, then it’s understanding, then your heart just swells and your eyes are open.