Golden Nuggets

Here are a few Golden Nuggets that might encourage you this holiday season.

Heavenly Father, though the hours sweep along, and the Holy Spirit moves among the people, and tomorrow is supposed to be the worship of the day that You sent Your only begotten Son into the world... And I have tried tonight, not to point the people to a manger where He was born, for He was just a baby then; but I'm trying to point them to the purpose to which He was born for: that He might become their Saviour; that He might become their God, their--their--their--their King, their All in All; that they might know Him Who fills all space; that they might know Him, not One that begin at Bethlehem, but One that never had a beginning, One that's the eternal God, that could stand on the earth and say, "I and My Father are One." I'm trying to act like a--a disciple the--the best that I know how.

61-1224 Sirs We Would See Jesus

May the great Christmas Present, the first one and the only and the original and the only one there is, Jesus Christ, be afresh in your heart tonight. May the Holy Spirit come to you and bring you ministering gifts and things from God, that you... a gift that you might live a better life. That's what I want. I would rather have the Life of Christ in me to live sweet and victorious than I would all the gifts of healing, the gifts of prophecies, all them other gifts; just give me Jesus. Let me live the Life, the Life is what I want to live. I want to live so others will know. That's my--that's my desire at Christmas, and I pray that's your desire. And I pray that God will give us His desire.

63-1222 God’s Gifts Always Find Their Places

When hungry-hearted people come to the disciples that were true, Philip and Andrew, they took them in the Presence of the Lord Jesus; and He pointed them to a death that was coming, so that they would know Him and could see Him.

And tonight, Father, likewise, I point them to a Calvary, where the Son of God, God made manifest in flesh took on the form of a human being and was tabernacled (changed His cast, become from a--the eternal God in glory with eternal), become a human being, and pitched His Tent among us, and become one of us to be a Kinsman Redeemer, to bring us back to a--a recollection of a mighty God Who created us. There He died at Calvary, and there we must die with Him, as He died, the Son of God. To be sons of God we must die also, and let our corn of wheat fall into the ground with Him, our lives be dead and hid in Him, oh, and then raised in His resurrection to carry on His work, to let His--same God that was in Him bring forth the manifestation of the Word of the Church in this last days as He promised.

And, God, we're so glad to see that He's vindicated every bit of it. To show that He's God, He keeps His Word. The great Pillar of Fire is still among us. The great signs and wonders that He promised is still happening. O God, we are so happy that tonight, that the purpose that brought Him to the earth, that we have a right to possess His Spirit in our lives that gives us Eternal Life, His Word made flesh in our own being.

Let us surrender ourselves tonight, Lord, surrender completely to everything of this world, that we might be dead to the things of the world and rise again to a new life in Christ, to go forth in this coming year (if the year lasts through or if it even gets here), Lord Jesus, to be new consecrated vessels of God, washed by the water of the Word through the Blood, and set aside for service for Christ. Grant it, Lord. We commit ourselves to You in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

61-1224 Sirs We Would See Jesus

And so good, how many feels good for Christmas? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Oh, my, my. This is a time of rejoicing, a time of when all of us can come together and worship Christ.

49-1225 The Deity Of Jesus Christ

Men and women, if the Holy Ghost is dwelling in you, the Christ that was born nineteen hundred years ago came to manhood. He never stayed in the cradle.

And today, that memorial of His birthday, what do they do? They get some tree, cut it down, make a Christmas tree, for the kiddies. But they think... That's all right; I'm not kicking against that. But the thing of it is, they put more on the Christmas tree than they do for Christ.

Kris Kringle's all over the country. Who was he? A German, a Catholic saint years ago, an old man went about doing good. And today it's become almost a worship. That's right. It's all right to tell the kiddies, or whatever you want to do, as far as I'm concerned. But the thing of it is, it's so easy to fall in that rut on the other side, and push out Christ, the real fundamentals of Chris--of Christmas. And man take Kris Kringle instead of real Christmas; that's right, "No room for Him in the inn."

It's all drawed down, if we had time. I know it's getting late, and it's getting late.

49-1225 The Deity Of Jesus Christ

And may you, through this coming week, this Christmas yuletide, as everybody is happy and singing one to another; may you, with arms... like Simeon of old, when that wonderful Christmastide, when he walked down through the temple, and with his strong arms, oh, picked up the Saviour in his arms and embraced Him, and said, "Lord, let Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy Word, for my eyes have seen Your salvation." May you, with arms of faith, likewise, this Christmas, embrace not a Santa Claus, or not exchange a present; but may you invite and embrace in your heart with arms of faith the same Lord Jesus that Simeon held in his arms years ago. And He will bless you and give you Eternal Life. And you cannot perish, because you've got the Life of God in you.

54-1219E Acts Of The Holy Spirit

Well, we know His birth as we're going to celebrate that soon, the Lord willing, at the Christmas time, how He was born in a manger and so forth.

But then we find out that that wasn't just exactly the Christmas story. Many times if you read the Bible, we find out that this Christmas story have going to Mary at the manger, and a little baby. That's fiction.

You know the wise man didn't come to no little baby. They come to a young child, two years old or better. You see? The Bible said they killed all the children from two years old down to get Him. He was around two years old. But we have all these little things that just becomes a little fictions and little stories that we told. However, in it all, God is glorified.

57-1211 Sirs We Would See Jesus

Many little children in the land today know nothing more than Christmas means "a sleigh full of toys, and some mystic reindeers pouncing on the house," to only learn later of this myth; to even hurt their faith, when it comes to know the true Christmas story, that it had nothing to do with reindeers, or a man smoking a pipe, with fur around his coat.

It was the birth of our blessed Lord Jesus. And it's most unusual to see how God worked in this manner, because no other time would've ever worked in all the history of the world. It had to be just exactly at this time.

57-1222 The Great Shining Light

It's not some man with a pipe in his mouth, and coming down a chimney. Teaching your children such as that, what do you expect them to grow up to be? Tell them the Truth, not on some fiction--fictitious story. Tell them there's a God of Heaven Who sent His Son, and that's what Christmas means. And He's near coming again.

And as the pressure begins to come to the earth, the devil has put out his things, by eyes, what you can see, the tinsel, and so forth. God's put out His, which is Spirit, that you can't see, but you believe.

58-1221M Where Is He King Of The Jews

It's the greatest present that was ever give. Oh, of course, you give your friends Christmas presents. That's good. That's tokens. But, brother, there's a Present offered you tonight that no money could ever buy. It's a free gift come from God: His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Would you receive Him as your personal Guider, as your personal Saviour, as your God, as your--as your Redeemer, as your King? He heals the soul and the body. He takes the control room. If you got fears and doubts, just let it go now. Let Him be King. Let Him come in and take over. Let Him be Lord. "Lord" is "Ruler." Lordship is rulership.

58-1221E The Unity Of One God In The One Church

So I appreciate your all's prayers. And by God's help and grace, a very Merry Christmas to every one of you. Remember my saying; this is not Santa Claus this is for Jesus. You see? "Christmas means Christ." And we were riding last night showing the kiddies all the houses decorated and everything, which is awful nice. But I thought, if I ever had on--anything on my house that I ever wanted to write, would be a neon sign: "Trusting Christ Will Be In Your Christmas." That's right. Put Christ back into Christmas.

59-1223 Questions And Answers

I will ever be grateful to You for the Christmas gift of Christ in my heart, to know that it's the same Christ, because He does the same thing. He makes me feel and act like He did at the beginning, to His servants.

I'm thankful for a Church universal, triumph, already predestinated, and called, and sealed, and ordained to that body. I find them in Asia, Africa, Rome, everywhere, Indiana, through the states, Africa. Everywhere around the world I find that Church triumphant, who knows that You have come in the flesh.

59-1227M A Super Sign

Way into the East, and many hundreds of miles away from there, the Magi was already on their road. They'd seen His Star, and was coming to worship God's little Gift Package that He was sending to the world.

Just a little while from then, and the world was going to receive its greatest Gift that it ever received, a little Package wrapped up, a little, first little Christmas Package that was ever wrapped in all the world, God wrapped It up.

I want to break in on my thought, and say this. The greatest thing was ever wrapped in human flesh was wrapped in It, God Himself wrapped His Ownself in a Christmas Package and sent it to the world.

Why did they refuse It? Why couldn't they see It? Why did they turn It down? Why is it they didn't want It? The same reason they don't want It tonight. It wasn't handed to them in the custom that they were used to gifts being handed. That's the reason It's rejected yet tonight, is because It's not handed to the people in the custom that they have been used to receiving gifts.

But God wrapped His Own Package. He's got a right to do it; He's the One that's a-giving It. He has a right to wrap It any way He wants to wrap It. Doesn't make any difference how it is, He's got a right to do it, because He's the One that's giving the--the Gift.

60-1225 God’s Wrapped Gift

The church don't want That. They want creed. We need love. The church is dying by creeds. It can only live by love, because love is Eternal Life. Love overcomes all things. Love's the most powerful force there is. No, they didn't want Him, because they knowed what was in the Gift.

But some of them had it revealed to them, what--what this Gift was, what was in It. Some of them looked into It. I believe the first ones to look into that Christmas Package, you know who it was? I believe it was Angels. The Angels knew it. It was revealed to them. They knew it, because they come out on the hillside.

60-1225 God’s Wrapped Gift

And you Presbyterians and all, you Pentecostals, Catholics and all, look back to God's Christmas Gift. Look back to the Present. Throw away the box, and take the Present. Yes, sir. Get away from the tinsel of Santa Claus. Get back to the Gift of God. Get back to the Holy Spirit. Oh, I know It'll reveal a lot of things, but that's what you need: a cleaning up, scouring out. I know that's awful hard folks, but we got to have it. It's God's Word. Yes, sir, it's good for you. That's right. Oh, yes.

60-1225 God’s Wrapped Gift

They still got God in a manger, when God's not in a manger. He's raised from the dead, and alive forevermore, living among us, proving Himself, as the same God that the Nicene fathers carried, and down through the ages has come since the day of Pentecost. The same God that met Paul on the road to Damascus; he was a missionary to the Gentile and a messenger from God to the Gentiles. The Gentile's Message started by a visitation of the Pillar of Fire, and it ends the same way.

61-1210 Paradox

Now, I do not believe... Let me make this clear. I do not believe that Jesus would care what day you worshipped His birthday on (if it's the 25th, 26th, or whether it's April, May, June, July, or whenever it might be), just so you worship--you worship Him on any day.

But here's what it is. They have taken the sacredness from Christmas to make it not a Christmas, but--a worship day, but a celebration. See? We do not... You hear people say, "We're going to celebrate Christmas." That's wrong. We should never celebrate Christmas. Christmas is a day of worship, not a celebration.

61-1224 Sirs We Would See Jesus

Now, we have just passed two of the major holidays, that we know here in America to be the Christmas time and the New Year's. It's actually not a Christmas. It's a day that we set aside. Course, we realize it isn't the Lord's birthday. He couldn't been born on December the 25th, because it's--it's so cold up there, shepherds could not have been on the hill, and so forth. And if you was ever in Judaea along that time of year, you'd know it wasn't--it wasn't in the winter time. But it's thought that it was perhaps along in April or May, when lambs are born. And like He come by all nature, just like the regular lambs are born; He was the Lamb of God, and He was born along that time. But I don't suppose that He cares what day we set aside, because the actual day is lost. But it's in commemoration of His birthday.

Instead of we making it a commemoration and a day of worship to God, for His sending His Son to us, we have a celebration. See? We celebrate Christmas. And it is not a celebration. You could celebrate Washington's birthday or Lincoln's birthday. Or some other great man's birthday, you might celebrate it. But Christmas should be a day of worship. We have twisted it around and have made it one of the greatest commercial days. It's all fixed up on passing presents one to another, and having feelings hurt if we don't do it, and pay them back. And it's just twisted all up.

62-0117 Presuming

God bless you. Not exactly a "Merry Christmas," but God's blessings of Christmas be upon you. May the Christ of Calvary hide you in Himself, and blanket you, and so wrap you and enshroud you in His Word till His Word will be made flesh in you, is my prayer. God bless you.

61-1224 Sirs We Would See Jesus