New Year

VGR will resume normal business hours tomorrow, Jan 4. We appreciate your patience while we took some time off to rest and spend with our families during the holidays.

We are excited to begin 2012 in service of our Lord Jesus. And what better way to begin that service than to sharpen our Swords with a few Golden Nuggets from God’s prophet, Brother William Marrion Branham!

And we submit ourselves to Thee this morning, the beginning of this new year, and ask that You fill us all with the Holy Spirit, Lord, and draw us close to Thee; and may Thy everlasting arms be around us and hold us, Lord, for the days are shaking and dark, but the Morning Star is leading the way. We shall follow, Lord. Where He leads me, I will follow. If it be some through the waters, some through the flood, some through deep trials, but all through the Blood.

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Now, are you all feeling right up to it, to start the New Year now? Amen! Go right out in the New Year. We want to start it off right, serving the Lord. How many got up this morning and thanked Him for the old year and what all it meant, and asked Him, "Forget the back"? So, we did at the bedside when we got up, and then come in to the table and where usually a little family altar, they gather around the table and pray.

And so we always try to make it a habit of praying of a night before we go to bed. I have, that, since I was first converted. Get up of a morning, and it's too dark and too misty for me to walk, I--I don't know where I'm going. But if I just ask Him to take my hand and guide me through the day.

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Grant it, Lord, grant it again. I've made all kinds of mistakes, Father, through this past year, I pray You forgive me for them. And in this New Year, Lord, anoint me afresh. Let me go to those millions sitting yonder in sin and shame, are dying, bring them this great revelation of Thy Truth, bringing to them the anointing of the Holy Spirit; that on that day they might come from the East and West, shining as gems in Your Crown. Help me, Lord, to go down and prospect and dig them out of the ground, the dirt of the earth, the dirt and filth that they're living in. And let them see a Holy God that makes them clean up and live like Christians, sanctified and pure before You; turning away from evil, from all kinds of worldly amusements, and turning to a living God, and making them delegates of Thy Kingdom for that great day.

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The new year, I don't know what it holds, but I know He holds it. That's the hopes of new year I have. If He comes, Amen. If He doesn't come, I'll still be working if He spares me. I just trust the future to Him. I don't know what it is, I just trust it to Him. You've seen Him a-vindicate His Word, so you know it's going to be done. His Word!

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O Lord, let me stay with Him, the Word. And manifest His Light, through all of us, as we set forth in this new year, with a determination. Not knowing what this new year holds, but we're holding to Him, the Word, that knows the whole Sympathy from the beginning to the end. He knows every move and every junction. And, Lord, we're just watching Him, keeping our eyes on Him, the Word. Then when we see these things appear, we know that we're right in the rhythm of the Word. Grant it. Save every lost soul, Lord, that here, and every one that hears the tape. We commit them to Thee, for Thy Kingdom's sake, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen.

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For, so the new year is determined by God, just determine to stay in His Word. Walk where the Word says walk, as we come now to the close, like others, elected Seed did in their day when they saw the Word. What did they do it? They walked in It, if they were elected Seed in other ages, for He is the unfailing Word.

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Shalom, God's peace be Light upon you! And when God's Word is vindicated in this age, completely, and you see It and believe It, shalom to you!

Face the new year with this, put Him as David said, "I'll put Him always before me. Because He is on my right hand, I shall not be moved." If you meet death this year, what difference does it make? God promised He would raise you up. If an accident kills you, what difference does it make? You have Eternal Life, "I'll raise him up at the last days." Amen. What if anything happens? No matter what it is, nothing can separate us from the love of God, that's in Christ. "Hunger, peril, nakedness, no matter what it is, nothing can separate us from the love of God, that's in Christ." And He is the Word. Shalom!

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If you're not ready today, friend, start this new year out right, start it with your hand in God's hand, God's Word in your heart, saying, "Lord Jesus, I don't know what part of this Symphony that You want me to play, but at when that junction comes for me to be persecuted, laughed at, made fun of, I still take my stand that Your Symphony will not be messed up because of me. I'll stay right with Your Word, no matter what It is. I'll stay right there. And when death beats up to my door, that's part of the Symphony. I know then, that, just as sure as it beat death up to my door, the resurrection will beat out one of these days, too, and You'll raise me up again. It's part of Your Symphony. Lord, let me be part today, will You?"

64-0119 Shalom