How The Candle Got Lit

We all have a testimony, and we love to hear how others came to know the Lord Jesus. We received this email from a brother in Kentucky, who found the Message in a jail cell.

My heart is so filled with joy. I want to let you know I used to be a drunk and a drug addict. I was that away at 14, till I was 42 years old. I am now 53. I was in jail at 42. I had hit rock bottom. Everything I ever loved was gone: wife, children, lost my cars, my home, everything I had. I was in the middle of the street.

While in jail, there was some of those little paper back books of Brother Branham in my cell. One night I picked one up to look at it. I knew right then, this man was different. I had never heard the gospel like that. He spoke like no one I ever knew. Somehow I knew this man had the truth. That haunted me.

So I read all the books there, about 5 or 6 of them. Well, Wednesday came around and a preacher came over to talk to us, asking if we wanted to go to the meeting. One of the inmates invited me to go with him. I didn't want to go. He said, “They got free coffee and cake.” So I went for that.

I heard what he had to say and I let it go. There were 30 of us in there. When we got ready to leave, he got me by the arm and asked, did I need prayer? He didn't ask nobody else. I told him, “I guess.” Two days later, he came back to talk to me. He asked me about my life. I told him I had made a mess of it. He said that if I would believe, Jesus could take all that away from me. He asked me if he could lay hands on me and pray for me.

I let him. I remembered what Brother Branham had said that if I would, with all my heart, confess my sin, God would be faithful and forgive my sin, if I was sincere. So I did.

As I was going back to my cell, when I almost was there, it felt like a million pounds came off me and felt like I almost came off the ground. I got back in there. That was the happiest I ever felt in my life. I stood in front of that jail cell, and I promised God I would never touch drugs or alcohol again, if he would stay with me and not leave me.

That was 11 years ago. I got out and found a Message church. I got baptize in Name of Jesus. I have tried to live as close has I can. I download a sermon every night on my MP3 and listen to Brother Branham. What a man!

Thank you,

Brother Michael