I would like to have Brother Branham’s Message books. I know he is a man of God. See, my parents were from New York City, but I was raised in Albany, NY. Every year we would get on the train and go down to N.Y.C. to visit our relatives.
On one of our trips, when I was just three years old, I sustained a head injury. My parents doctored my wound, having no clue as to the seriousness of my injury. A short while later, I began to go into seizures and they rushed me to the hospital. The x-rays revealed a fractured skull. They put me in the ICU ward to watch me closely. Since my parents were Christians, they wanted a second opinion. So they turned to Dr. Jesus.
At the time of my injury, William Branham was conducting meetings at Madison Square Gardens in N.Y.C., and that's where they went. During the course of the service, Brother Branham had spoke that there was a lady in the audience who had a three-year-old son in the hospital with a fractured skull. He told her that I was healed and that she should go to the hospital and bring me home. Needless to say, mother rushed to the hospital to find me sitting up in the bed playing with some toys. When she asked the nurse when I had stopped the seizures, she found out that it was at the exact moment the Word was given. I am still healed 57 years later.