From the past few articles, it is obvious that the prison ministry is one of the most productive missionary fields in the world. The following is a detailed report of material distributed in the United States in 2011. Note that this is just the United States, and the prison ministry covers almost every country in the world.
We sent 21,842 total items, 5,439 of those were in Spanish. Each book is sent by US Postal Service, which is the only communication we have with the prisoners.
Top requested books by the inmates:
• The Revelation Of Jesus Christ (2,307)
• An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages (1,451)
• The Revelation Of The Seven Seals (1,016)
• Beyond The Curtain Of Time (579)
• Brother Branham (551)
We sent out 212 Deep Calleth/20th Century Prophet DVDs
40 inmates under the age of 25 received YF material
30 Revelation of Jesus Christ books had the staples removed and were sent to youth rehabilitation centers
A total of nine different language translations: Chinese, English, French, Creole, Hindi, Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, and Swahili.
The states with the largest number of requests for material were:
• Texas
• Arkansas
• Georgia
• Arizona