My six-year-old daughter asked, "How can these stories be real?” I told her, “Because Jesus is real.”
Those Two Pictures
During our recent trip, our family decided to visit Jeffersonville and get a tour of your campus and the Branham Tabernacle. With three kids under the age of 10, we wanted to show them who Brother Branham was and that he wasn't just a fictional man, but someone who lived in our day. A brother gave us our tour at VGR and did a great job. Then we headed over to the church where another brother gave us the tour. He noticed my wife’s camera and told us to take all the pictures we wanted. My youngest son, Cade, and I went into the pastor's study, and he noticed a picture of a deer on the wall and one with a chariot with horses. He looked up at me and said "Dad, I want those two pictures." I looked at him with a weird look and said, "We can't take those, they belong to the church." He said this once more and I was starting to get annoyed with him. He then reminded me that when we walked in, the man said we could take all the pictures we wanted.
God bless you,
Brother Josh
Just to share little testimony, I have read messages, and it has become part of my life and I now enjoy the very creative power that’s within me. I have a lovely dog called Brave, and the dog died. The boys that are working around my yard came to report this sad news to me, and I went to see the dog. The hairy, fluffy, lovely dog was gone, and then I remembered the testimony of the little fish by Brother William Marrion Branham. I then handled this little dog in my arms, and prayed a simple prayer. I said, “Lord give back the life of this little dog as you did to that fish.” Immediately the dog came back to life. Trust me friends, there is power in this Message… only believe, all things are possible.
Brother Msungeni
Golden Nuggets
These little Golden Nuggets from the Lord,
Are really super health bars made from God’s eternal Word.
I snack upon them daily, and they make me stronger in the Lord,
These little Golden Nuggets of God’s Word.
Now some of them are larger than the others,
You can share them with your sisters and brothers.
Or put them in your backpacks for emergencies instead,
Or take them out in troubled times, and beat a demon on his head.
These little Golden Nuggets from the Lord.
Brother Don
My mother had this simple poem written on the inside of her Bible.
Almost straight is crooked
Almost true is false
Almost pure is contaminated
Almost saved is lost.
Sister Sharon
A Fishin Story
While we were fishing many years ago, my sons Samuel and David had a little fight in the fishing boat, which caused Samuel's fishing rod to drop into the lake. Of course they stopped right away and looked at me, while I was praying for them to stop. I raised my head, and they were so sorry of that. My son Samuel said, “What will we do? The day is not even started and I have no more fishing rod? I replied, “Let's pray.” I said, “Lord we ask forgiveness for this and ask for your help, as all things are possible to us believers.” So without assurance, I start back fishing, trying to cast around where the rod fell from the boat, without success. There was about twelve feet of water, and we were in a big lake at about 150 feet from the shore with no anchor holding us.
I said to Samuel, “Let's go back to the rental boat shore at about one mile; they might rent fishing rods.”
But my son Samuel said, “We have prayed and God will give me back my rod (he was about 10 years old).” So, as I arrive at the shore and stepped out, Samuel said with conviction, “Dad let's go back. God will give me my rod.”
Truly, I just surrendered to my son's perfect faith and stepped back in the boat. We drove back to the approximate similar spot where we were, to the best of our recognition.
We prayed again together. In my heart I said, “Lord this I do as per my son Samuel’s faith.” So I took my rod and casted one only shot, very far, and pulled back slowly with expectation.
Suddenly I felt a gentile tug, steady, on my line until we saw with great joy the hook of my line crossed with the hook of another fishing rod line. And after a while, my son's fishing rod was back in the boat.
My son Samuel looked at me and said, “Dad, I told you that He would give it back to me.”
Brother Sylvain