Golden Nuggets

There is nothing in the world that can lift the spirits of a child of God more than the Word. It seems that every day, we hear something the prophet says that encourages our hearts so much that we want to share it with others. The following are a few Golden Nuggets that have circulated around the VGR building lately.

And do you realize that our glorified, immortal body is waiting in the Presence of Jesus Christ right now, waiting for us to come?

Question And Answers 2 54-0103E

Refuse to sign for anything the devil brings. He will have to take it back. Say, "I refuse to have it. I just won't have it, no, sir." He will have to take it back in the Name of the Lord.”

The Second Miracle 51-0707

Don't be scared to ask. Ask abundantly. "You have not, because you ask not. You ask not, because you believe not." That's right. Ask, ask a whole lot. God will give you a whole lot. Have a lot of faith.

God Commissioning Moses 53-0508

One thing, after all of His sacrifice that He did here on earth, the life that He lived, the path that He walked. He asked for one thing, "That where I am, they may be also." He asked for our fellowship. That's the only thing He asked the Father in the prayer, your companionship forever. If you want to read this in Saint John 17, and 24th verse. Then how much should we desire Him?

Things That Are To Be 65-1205

Everything that we have can be used of God if it's committed to God. See? Everything that you are, commit it to God. He'll use every outlet and every part of you, He'll use it. No matter what it is, He'll use it if it's sanctified to His purpose and calling.

God’s Gifts Always Find Their Places 63-1222

We know we make mistakes, but you mustn't look at that. It's not your mistakes, because you're always going to have them. But, you see, it's following His rules, following what He said do. Stumble and falling doesn't have one thing to do with It. A real true servant, if he'll stumble, he'll get up again. If he wobbles, God pulls him right back in the path, as long as he's in the path of duty. But if he's off of the path of duty, God's not obligated to him. But as long as he's in the path of duty, God's obligated to him, knowing that he's just a man or a woman. He's obligated to that person as long as they're in the path of duty.

Oneness 62-0211

If you--if there's no battle, then there's no victory. But you've got to have a battle to have victory. If it was just given to you, it wouldn't be--wouldn't be no--wouldn't be a victory. But he that overcometh is the one who has the victory. So Jesus came to the earth; He had a battle; He won the victory. And tonight we have a battle, and with Christ, we can have the victory.

Whatever He Says To You Do It 53-0601

Oh, you say, "I thank God that I'm not an idolater." Wait just a minute. Let's examine it by the Word. Say, "I wouldn't worship an idol." That doesn't altogether mean you worship an idol. You just have to be idle, doing nothing. Go to church. Yeah, that's all right, go back home, do nothing about it. Brother, a real borned again man or woman can't stand still. There's something in them. They've got to testify. They got to do something. They are bound to do something. They can't hold their peace.

Corinthians Book Of Correction 57-0414

Now, we find that when God's people gets in trouble, God always sends them a prophet with the true Word to bring them out. It's never a time that God's people ever gets in trouble, unless God sends them His Word. And His Word, as we had this morning, come to the prophets. And how you test it, is to find out whether it is according to the Word. If it's according to the Word, then God's Word becomes alive.

If God Be With Us Then Where Is All The Miracles 61-1231E

What are we doing? Getting ready for that rapture, getting ready for--holding ourselves steady for a few minutes till every fiber is filled with the Holy Ghost. Then she'll go up. Oh, my.

Oneness 62-0211

The church is moving too slow for the hour we're living in. There's something radically wrong. And it behooves us in this day, at the near coming of the Lord, to sit down and study this and see what's wrong, find the cause. You can never find the cure till you find the cause.

Palmer Worm Locust Cankerworm Caterpillar 59-0823

And you're here to fulfill It too. Just walk unconscious of fear. Walk unconscious of criticism. Walk unconscious of the world. Walk as you walk in Christ. Walk with Him, not paying any attention to right or left hand, just keep moving on. If something comes up in the church, walk with God. Hallelujah. If sickness strikes you, walk with God. If the neighbor don't like you, walk with God. Just keep on walking with God.

Enoch, one day walked like that. You know what he done? He walked all the way home with God; got so far up the road, he didn't want to come back any more. Amen.

Walk with God. Doctor says you're going to die; walk with God. Yeah. Doctor says you can't... well; walk with God. Just walk with God; that's all. For God has promised you, "I'll never leave you or forsake you. I'll be with you to the end of the world." And He took an oath by that covenant that He give you, that He'd confirm it. Just walk with God then.

He Swore By Himself 54-1212

Daniel had burnt all the bridges behind him. He wasn't planning on going back anymore. He wasn't watching his back trail; he was looking... Forsaking those things which were in the past, he pressed on to the mark of the high calling. That's what we should be doing. That's what the Church should be doing.

And as I notice then, God permitted Satan to give him a test. And, oh, they tested them by the fire. They tested him also by the lion's den. And every instance God brought them out more than victorious. "Many are the testings of the righteous: but God delivered them out of them all." How marvelous that is. How we appreciate that, trials, tribulations, tests, all working for the good. After while God can see then, and He can put His trust in you, and then He will do great things for you.

Beginning Ending Gentile Dispensation 55-0109E

You say, "There's nothing impossible with God." You believe that? There's nothing impossible with you, either. "For all things are possible to them," (God is one Person) "to them that believe." See? So there's nothing impossible with you, for you, if you can only believe.

Spiritual Food In Due Season 65-0718E

Jesus had to die to produce Eternal Life. And now, listen closely, Christian friends. Unless you die to yourself and your feelings, and act on God's Word, you'll never have Life. Forget your feelings; just take what God said. And plant that seed into that life of your own death, or your own death, and Life will be produced out of there and you shall live.

The Testimony Of Jesus Christ 53-0829

That's what we're--we should do always, is try to do something to help somebody else. After all, that's the Christian attitude towards things.

This is a great heavy burden that no one knows nothing about. That's just God and I alone. But when I do get to go to bed, what a wonderful privilege I have to kneel down before God and say, "Father, I've done the best that I know how today. I've done all that I know how to make life just a little more pleasant for people."

Our Hope Is In God 51-0929