Mine Elect Lady

One thing, after all of His sacrifice that He did here on earth, the life that He lived, the path that He walked. He asked for one thing, ‘That where I am, they may be also.’ He asked for our fellowship.

65-1205 Things That Are To Be

Have you been having your Quiet Time with the Lord Jesus? You can rest assured that He is standing at the door, just waiting for you to let Him in. We have received many tremendous testimonies from believers around the world about the weekly Quiet Time, but this one seems to be especially sent to all of us.

At Quiet Time, I read several of the last chapters in Isaiah, then prayed, thanking the Lord for the healings that members of our family had received that week. It was about 8:30AM that I finished praying, and all at once, some thoughts came to me, and it seemed the Lord was near. I hurried to get some paper and a pencil, and I started writing. I realized these were not my thoughts. Words would come and I would write, and I remember thinking, “Lord, these are the words you want me to use?”

Sister Carol

Oh, Mine elected, the Bride of My only Begotten Son, have you considered My Tender Mercies toward you? How the world is shaken with fear and strange happenings; but in the tents of thy children there is peace?

Thy offspring frolic and sing praises unto My Name and are not ashamed. Their prayers come before Me as a delight. I will not forsake them.

I have smiled upon you and have laid before you a Table spread with Everlasting Food – a great harvest wherein you shall never more hunger or thirst. My heart is overjoyed as I see you partake of that which I have provided, and I long to commune with you in the midst of My Bountiful Blessings.

I have set before you the Path of My Deliverance. Turn not to the right nor left, for there, only, have I shown My Light; and you are the children of the Light. Your prayers come before Me as a sweet fragrance, even sweeter than any delicious delicacies, for you have turned your heads upward and lifted My Name above all others on the earth. You have exalted the Name of the Lord; and I will surely answer and take delight in manifesting My Promises to you.

Have you considered Me? Your Great Shepherd? How that I have established you and led you to the Green Pasture, beside the Still Water where there is no want? How is it that the whole earth is barren, elsewhere? Surely, you have harkened to My Voice. Do not partake or dwell in the darkness of confusion, for therein is death, but look to Me and find rest in the Light of My Presence.

Your quiet supplications have come before Me as a great jubilation. Even the sure Arm of the Lord shall be extended toward you and raise you up, for you are truly Mine Elect Lady, clothed in the garment of My Righteousness, perfect before Me, the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the King of Kings.