To My Remembrance

I want to share this testimony to give thanks and praise to my Lord. I was recently working on a construction job on University Ave. in St. Paul, MN. I was on a gas line crew, running a rubber tire backhoe. Our crew was working beside a road crew that had the street tore up, and the road was all sandy. I started my equipment at 7:00AM and moved to another part of the job. At lunchtime, I sat with the other workers. I began to feel in my pocket for the keys to my truck, and I could not find them.

I then went and looked in the company truck for my keys, but didn’t find them. I walked back to where my backhoe was parked and looked also. I looked all over in the sand and couldn’t find anything. I went to my truck and had to use a piece of wire to open the truck door. I searched all over inside the truck and still nothing. I walked across the four-lane University Ave to the other side of the job and looked around, but found nothing.

We were working in a bad part of St. Paul and for a second my mind began to race, wondering what I was going to do. The Lord then put in to my remembrance of some other brothers that had troubles. I heard on tape about Brother Welch Evans and his car being stolen. I also heard about Brother Fred Sothman asking Brother Branham to help him when he lost something. So, I called the VGR and left a prayer request, saying that I lost my keys and asking that I could get the same help as the others.

I hung up the phone and walked back across the street. As I got to the other side, something began to direct me to a certain spot in the road. I walked closer and I could see a very small piece of metal sticking out of the sand. I bent down and grabbed about a quarter-inch piece of metal sticking straight up out of that sand, and it was the end of one of my keys!

I was very happy and thankful to find my keys, but I was more excited about what the Lord had done for me. I don’t have the vocabulary to express how wonderful the Lord is, and I thank Him very much for watching over His people.

God bless you,

Brother Mike